Queen often moody and crying. Prabu too was sad to see his wife. Then Prabu went to the forest to meditate. There, the Prabu continued to pray, to be blessed with children. A few months later, their wish came true. Queen had become pregnant. All the people in the kingdom happy. They flood the court with gifts.
Nine months later, the queen gave birth to a daughter. People of the land went back to the little princess sent various gifts. Babies grow into children funny. A dozen years later, she has become a beautiful teenager. Prabu and Queen is very fond of his daughter. They gave her whatever she wanted. But it makes it a spoiled girl. If the desire is not fulfilled, the girl would get mad. She even used to say rude. However, parents and people in the kingdom loved her.
Days passed, Princess has grown to be the prettiest girl in the whole country. Within a few days, be 17 years old daughter. So the people in the country went to the palace. They carry a variety of exquisite gift. Prabu collects gifts are very much of it, and then store it in the court room. At times, he could use it for the benefit of the people. Prabu just took a bit of gold and jewels. He took it to a jeweler.
"Please, make a beautiful necklace for my daughter," said Prabu.
"Birthday came. Population of the country gathered in the palace square. When the King and Queen came, people are elated. Warm welcome more audible, when a beautiful princess beauty appeared in front of everyone. Everybody admired her beauty. Prabu got up from his chair. The beautiful necklace was holding.
"My beloved daughter, today I give you this necklace. This necklace is giving the people of the country. They love you so much. They dedicate this prize, because they are excited to see you grow into adulthood. Wear this necklace, boy, "said Prabu.
Princess accepted the necklace. Then she saw the necklace at a glance.
"My beloved daughter, today I give you this necklace. This necklace is giving the people of the country. They love you so much. They dedicate this prize, because they are excited to see you grow into adulthood. Wear this necklace, boy, "said Prabu.
Princess accepted the necklace. Then she saw the necklace at a glance.
"With pleasure, Your Majesty," said the jeweler. He then worked as best as possible, with all my heart. He wanted to create the most beautiful necklace in the world, because he loved his daughter.
"I do not want to wear it. This necklace is ugly! "Said the Princess.
Then she threw the necklace. The beautiful necklace was broken. Gold and gems scattered on the floor.
It was really shocking. No one would have thought, would do such a daughter. No one spoke. Silence. Suddenly, there was weeping queen. Cries followed by everyone.
Suddenly spring water from the courtyard. At first, forming a small pond. Then the court began to flood. The palace was filled with water like a lake. Then the bigger lake and drown palace.
On a sunny day, we could see the lake is full of beautiful colors and amazing. The color comes from the shadow of the forest, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. But people say, the colors came from Princess necklace scattered at the base of the lake.
Zaman dahulu, ada sebuah kerajaan di Jawa Barat. Negeri itu dipimpin oleh seorang raja. Prabu, begitulah orang memanggilnya. Ia adalah raja yang baik dan bijaksana. Tak heran, kalau negeri itu makmur dan tenteram. Tak ada penduduk yang lapar di negeri itu. Semua sangat menyenangkan. Sayangnya, Prabu dan istrinya belum memiliki anak. Hal itu lah yang membuat pasangan kerajaan itu sangat sedih. Penasehat Prabu menyarankan, agar mereka mengangkat anak. Namun Prabu dan Ratu tidak setuju. “Buat kami, anak kandung adalah lebih baik dari pada anak angkat,” sahut mereka.
Then she threw the necklace. The beautiful necklace was broken. Gold and gems scattered on the floor.
It was really shocking. No one would have thought, would do such a daughter. No one spoke. Silence. Suddenly, there was weeping queen. Cries followed by everyone.
Suddenly spring water from the courtyard. At first, forming a small pond. Then the court began to flood. The palace was filled with water like a lake. Then the bigger lake and drown palace.
On a sunny day, we could see the lake is full of beautiful colors and amazing. The color comes from the shadow of the forest, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. But people say, the colors came from Princess necklace scattered at the base of the lake.
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Ratu sering murung dan menangis. Prabu pun ikut sedih melihat istrinya. Lalu Prabu pergi ke hutan untuk bertapa. Di sana sang Prabu terus berdoa, agar dikaruniai anak. Beberapa bulan kemudian, keinginan mereka terkabul. Ratu pun mulai hamil. Seluruh rakyat di kerajaan itu senang sekali. Mereka membanjiri istana dengan hadiah.
Sembilan bulan kemudian, Ratu melahirkan seorang putri. Penduduk negeri pun kembali mengirimi putri kecil itu aneka hadiah. Bayi itu tumbuh menjadi anak yang lucu. Belasan tahun kemudian, ia sudah menjadi remaja yang cantik. Prabu dan Ratu sangat menyayangi putrinya. Mereka memberi putrinya apa pun yang dia inginkan. Namun itu membuatnya menjadi gadis yang manja. Kalau keinginannya tidak terpenuhi, gadis itu akan marah. Ia bahkan sering berkata kasar. Walaupun begitu, orangtua dan rakyat di kerajaan itu mencintainya.
Hari berlalu, Putri pun tumbuh menjadi gadis tercantik di seluruh negeri. Dalam beberapa hari, Putri akan berusia 17 tahun. Maka para penduduk di negeri itu pergi ke istana. Mereka membawa aneka hadiah yang sangat indah. Prabu mengumpulkan hadiah-hadiah yang sangat banyak itu, lalu menyimpannya dalam ruangan istana. Sewaktu-waktu, ia bisa menggunakannya untuk kepentingan rakyat. Prabu hanya mengambil sedikit emas dan permata. Ia membawanya ke ahli perhiasan.
"Tolong, buatkan kalung yang sangat indah untuk putriku,” kata Prabu.
"Dengan senang hati, Yang Mulia,” sahut ahli perhiasan. Ia lalu bekerja sebaik mungkin, dengan sepenuh hati. Ia ingin menciptakan kalung yang paling indah di dunia, karena ia sangat menyayangi Putri.
"Tolong, buatkan kalung yang sangat indah untuk putriku,” kata Prabu.
"Dengan senang hati, Yang Mulia,” sahut ahli perhiasan. Ia lalu bekerja sebaik mungkin, dengan sepenuh hati. Ia ingin menciptakan kalung yang paling indah di dunia, karena ia sangat menyayangi Putri.
Hari ulang tahun pun tiba. Penduduk negeri berkumpul di alun-alun istana. Ketika Prabu dan Ratu datang, orang menyambutnya dengan gembira. Sambutan hangat makin terdengar, ketika Putri yang cantik jelita muncul di hadapan semua orang. Semua orang mengagumi kecantikannya. Prabu lalu bangkit dari kursinya. Kalung yang indah sudah dipegangnya.
"Putriku tercinta, hari ini aku berikan kalung ini untukmu. Kalung ini pemberian orang-orang dari penjuru negeri. Mereka sangat mencintaimu. Mereka mempersembahkan hadiah ini, karena mereka gembira melihatmu tumbuh jadi dewasa. Pakailah kalung ini, Nak,” kata Prabu.
Putri menerima kalung itu. Lalu ia melihat kalung itu sekilas.
"Putriku tercinta, hari ini aku berikan kalung ini untukmu. Kalung ini pemberian orang-orang dari penjuru negeri. Mereka sangat mencintaimu. Mereka mempersembahkan hadiah ini, karena mereka gembira melihatmu tumbuh jadi dewasa. Pakailah kalung ini, Nak,” kata Prabu.
Putri menerima kalung itu. Lalu ia melihat kalung itu sekilas.
Kemudian ia melempar kalung itu. Kalung yang indah pun rusak. Emas dan permatanya tersebar di lantai. Itu sungguh mengejutkan. Tak seorang pun menyangka, Putri akan berbuat seperti itu. Tak seorang pun bicara. Suasana hening. Tiba-tiba terdengar tangisan Ratu. Tangisannya diikuti oleh semua orang.
Tiba-tiba muncul mata air dari halaman istana. Mula-mula membentuk kolam kecil. Lalu istana mulai banjir. Istana pun dipenuhi air bagai danau. Lalu danau itu makin besar dan menenggelamkan istana.
Tiba-tiba muncul mata air dari halaman istana. Mula-mula membentuk kolam kecil. Lalu istana mulai banjir. Istana pun dipenuhi air bagai danau. Lalu danau itu makin besar dan menenggelamkan istana.
Di hari yang cerah, kita bisa melihat danau itu penuh warna yang indah dan mengagumkan. Warna itu berasal dari bayangan hutan, tanaman, bunga-bunga, dan langit di sekitar telaga. Namun orang mengatakan, warna-warna itu berasal dari kalung Putri yang tersebar di dasar telaga.
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