Once a story, in the Kampar, Riau, on the Lancang ancients lived with his mother. They live with the very poor. They both work as farmers. To improve his life, then The Lancang intend to leave.
One day he asked permission from the mother and ustad. His mother was advised that in the future shoreline Si Lancang always remember the mother and his hometown. His mother advised that he should not be insubordinate. The Lancang is also a promise to his mother. The mother cried when The Lancang worshiping knees to ask for blessings. His mother provided him a pack of lumping dodak, cake craze Si Lancang.
After years abroad, it turns out The Lancang very lucky. He became a wealthy merchant. It has dozens of merchant ships. Reported he has seven wives. They all come from a wealthy merchant family, while his mother, still living in Kampar in a very poor state.
One day, The Lancang sailed Andalas. In this voyage he took seventh wife. Together they also brought luxury supplies and tools in the form of musical entertainment. When docked in Kampar, musical instruments were sounded boisterous. Meanwhile, silk and various ornaments of gold and silver held. Everything was prepared to give the impression of luxury and wealth Si Lancang.
The news of the arrival of Lancang heard by his mother. With compassion, she rushed to greet the children only. Due to poverty, he only wore an old linen shawl, sarong kebaya worn and patched. With courage she rose to her luxury decks Si Lancang. As soon as his mother claims she is The Lancang's mother, no one ever believed sailor. With the ballpark he drove the old mother. But she did not want to leave. He insisted to be reunited with her son Si Lancang. The situation is causing a commotion.
Hearing the commotion on deck, Si Lancang accompanied by his wife came to the seventh place. How shocked he was when watching the ragged woman who was evicted her.
Lancang's mother said, "How dare you ... my son! Oh ... what a heart longing to you Mother.
Hearing the greeting, with arrogant Lancang dismissed. Even this rebellious child yelled, "Where could I have a poor woman like your mother. Sailor! expel this crazy woman."
This poor mother finally went home devastated. When I got home, and then he took his inheritance. Heritage in the form of mortar and a pestle rice nyiru. While praying, mortar and screened-swivel nyiru inheritance. He also said, "my God ... punish the child of sin."
In an instant, a hurricane came down. The storm was blowing so fierce that in a moment destroy merchant ships owned by The Lancang. Not only the ship was shattered, his possessions are also flying everywhere. Woven silk drifting and falling into the country Fold fabric located in Kampar Kiri. Gong and thrown into the river Kampar Kanan Ogong. Tembikarnya drifted into Pasubilah. The mast of the ship while the Lancang thrown to arrive at a lake called Lake The Lancang..
Alkisah tersebutlah sebuah cerita, di daerah Kampar, Riau, pada zaman dahulu hiduplah si Lancang dengan ibunya. Mereka hidup dengan sangat miskin. Mereka berdua bekerja sebagai petani. Untuk memperbaiki hidupnya, maka Si Lancang berniat merantau.
One day he asked permission from the mother and ustad. His mother was advised that in the future shoreline Si Lancang always remember the mother and his hometown. His mother advised that he should not be insubordinate. The Lancang is also a promise to his mother. The mother cried when The Lancang worshiping knees to ask for blessings. His mother provided him a pack of lumping dodak, cake craze Si Lancang.
After years abroad, it turns out The Lancang very lucky. He became a wealthy merchant. It has dozens of merchant ships. Reported he has seven wives. They all come from a wealthy merchant family, while his mother, still living in Kampar in a very poor state.
One day, The Lancang sailed Andalas. In this voyage he took seventh wife. Together they also brought luxury supplies and tools in the form of musical entertainment. When docked in Kampar, musical instruments were sounded boisterous. Meanwhile, silk and various ornaments of gold and silver held. Everything was prepared to give the impression of luxury and wealth Si Lancang.
The news of the arrival of Lancang heard by his mother. With compassion, she rushed to greet the children only. Due to poverty, he only wore an old linen shawl, sarong kebaya worn and patched. With courage she rose to her luxury decks Si Lancang. As soon as his mother claims she is The Lancang's mother, no one ever believed sailor. With the ballpark he drove the old mother. But she did not want to leave. He insisted to be reunited with her son Si Lancang. The situation is causing a commotion.
Hearing the commotion on deck, Si Lancang accompanied by his wife came to the seventh place. How shocked he was when watching the ragged woman who was evicted her.
Lancang's mother said, "How dare you ... my son! Oh ... what a heart longing to you Mother.
Hearing the greeting, with arrogant Lancang dismissed. Even this rebellious child yelled, "Where could I have a poor woman like your mother. Sailor! expel this crazy woman."
This poor mother finally went home devastated. When I got home, and then he took his inheritance. Heritage in the form of mortar and a pestle rice nyiru. While praying, mortar and screened-swivel nyiru inheritance. He also said, "my God ... punish the child of sin."
In an instant, a hurricane came down. The storm was blowing so fierce that in a moment destroy merchant ships owned by The Lancang. Not only the ship was shattered, his possessions are also flying everywhere. Woven silk drifting and falling into the country Fold fabric located in Kampar Kiri. Gong and thrown into the river Kampar Kanan Ogong. Tembikarnya drifted into Pasubilah. The mast of the ship while the Lancang thrown to arrive at a lake called Lake The Lancang..
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Alkisah tersebutlah sebuah cerita, di daerah Kampar, Riau, pada zaman dahulu hiduplah si Lancang dengan ibunya. Mereka hidup dengan sangat miskin. Mereka berdua bekerja sebagai petani. Untuk memperbaiki hidupnya, maka Si Lancang berniat merantau.
Pada suatu hari ia meminta ijin pada ibu dan guru ngajinya. Ibunya pun berpesan agar di rantau orang kelak Si Lancang selalu ingat pada ibu dan kampung halamannya. Ibunya berpesan agar Si Lancang jangan menjadi anak yang durhaka. Si Lancang pun berjanji pada ibunya tersebut. Ibunya menjadi terharu saat Si Lancang menyembah lututnya untuk minta berkah. Ibunya membekalinya sebungkus lumping dodak, kue kegemaran Si Lancang.
Setelah bertahun-tahun merantau, ternyata Si Lancang sangat beruntung. Ia menjadi saudagar yang kaya raya. Ia memiliki berpuluh-puluh buah kapal dagang. Dikhabarkan ia pun mempunyai tujuh orang istri. Mereka semua berasal dari keluarga saudagar yang kaya, sedangkan ibunya, masih tinggal di Kampar dalam keadaan yang sangat miskin.
Pada suatu hari, Si Lancang berlayar ke Andalas. Dalam pelayaran itu ia membawa ke tujuh isterinya. Bersama mereka dibawa pula perbekalan mewah dan alat-alat hiburan berupa musik. Ketika merapat di Kampar, alat-alat musik itu dibunyikan riuh rendah. Sementara itu kain sutra dan aneka hiasan emas dan perak digelar. Semuanya itu disiapkan untuk menambah kesan kemewahan dan kekayaan Si Lancang.
Berita kedatangan Si Lancang didengar oleh ibunya. Dengan perasaan terharu, ia bergegas untuk menyambut kedatangan anak satu-satunya tersebut. Karena miskinnya, ia hanya mengenakan kain selendang tua, sarung usang dan kebaya penuh tambalan. Dengan memberanikan diri dia naik ke geladak kapal mewahnya Si Lancang. Begitu menyatakan bahwa dirinya adalah ibunya Si Lancang, tidak ada seorang kelasi pun yang mempercayainya. Dengan kasarnya ia mengusir ibu tua tersebut. Tetapi perempuan itu tidak mau beranjak. Ia ngotot minta untuk dipertemukan dengan anaknya Si Lancang. Situasi itu menimbulkan keributan.
Mendengar kegaduhan di atas geladak, Si Lancang dengan diiringi oleh ketujuh istrinya mendatangi tempat itu. Betapa terkejutnya ia ketika menyaksikan bahwa perempuan compang camping yang diusir itu adalah ibunya.
Ibu si Lancang pun berkata, “Engkau Lancang … anakku! Oh … betapa rindunya hati emak padamu. Mendengar sapaan itu, dengan congkaknya Lancang menepis.
Anak durhaka inipun berteriak, “mana mungkin aku mempunyai ibu perempuan miskin seperti kamu. Kelasi! usir perempuan gila ini.”
Ibu si Lancang pun berkata, “Engkau Lancang … anakku! Oh … betapa rindunya hati emak padamu. Mendengar sapaan itu, dengan congkaknya Lancang menepis.
Anak durhaka inipun berteriak, “mana mungkin aku mempunyai ibu perempuan miskin seperti kamu. Kelasi! usir perempuan gila ini.”
Ibu yang malang ini akhirnya pulang dengan perasaan hancur. Sesampainya di rumah, lalu ia mengambil pusaka miliknya. Pusaka itu berupa lesung penumbuk padi dan sebuah nyiru. Sambil berdoa, lesung itu diputar-putarnya dan dikibas-kibaskannya nyiru pusakanya. Ia pun berkata, “ya Tuhanku … hukumlah si Anak durhaka itu.”
Dalam sekejap, turunlah badai topan. Badai tersebut berhembus sangat dahsyatnya sehingga dalam sekejap menghancurkan kapal-kapal dagang milik Si Lancang. Bukan hanya kapal itu hancur berkeping-keping, harta benda miliknya juga terbang ke mana-mana. Kain sutranya melayang-layang dan jatuh menjadi negeri Lipat Kain yang terletak di Kampar Kiri. Gongnya terlempar ke Kampar Kanan dan menjadi Sungai Ogong. Tembikarnya melayang menjadi Pasubilah. Sedangkan tiang bendera kapal Si Lancang terlempar hingga sampai di sebuah danau yang diberi nama Danau Si Lancang..
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