In ancient times, there exists an island kingdom in the area Mintin Kahayan Downstream, Central Kalimantan. The kingdom is very famous for its wisdom king. As a result, the kingdom into a peaceful and prosperous region.
One day, the consort of the king died. Since that time the king became moody and always look sad. This situation makes it no longer able to govern well. At the same time, the state of health of the king even this further decline. To address the situation, the king intends to go cruising to entertain him.
To continue the reign of the king was handed his throne at the twins were named Dragon and the Crocodile. They also agreed wishes of the king. Since after the death of the king, his two sons, which ruled the kingdom. But unfortunately, the problem appears new fundamentally.
Both the king's son had a different character. Dragon has a negative character as riotous fun, drinking and gambling. While alligators have a positive disposition as generous, warm-hearted, not wasteful and helpful.
Seeing the behavior of the Dragon is always a waste of the royal treasury, then the crocodile was angry. Because it can not dissuaded the Crocodile scold the Dragon. But it turns out dragon does not want to hear. The quarrel continued and developed into a fight. Soldiers divided the kingdom into two, partly siding with the Dragon and some siding with the Crocodile. Fighting more powerful that claimed many victims.
In his voyage, the king had a bad feeling. So he changed course to return to his ship kingdom. How shocked he was when watching that fight each other has twin sons. Furious he said, "you have wasted my faith. In this battle you have the people. For that please accept my punishment. Be thou Crocodiles and alligators are actually living in the water. Due to a slight fault, then you will stay in this area. Your job is to keep the island Mintin. While the dragon you be thou an actual dragon. Due to the large fault you will live along the Kapuas River. Your job is to keep the Kapuas River Bantilung not overgrown fungus."
After saying the curse, the sky suddenly darkened and thunder boomed. In an instant his sons had changed shape. One became a crocodile. The other being a dragon.
Pada zaman dahulu, terdapatlah sebuah kerajaan di Pulau Mintin daerah Kahayan Hilir, Kalimantan Tengah. Kerajaan itu sangat terkenal akan kearifan rajanya. Akibatnya, kerajaan itu menjadi wilayah yang tenteram dan makmur.
One day, the consort of the king died. Since that time the king became moody and always look sad. This situation makes it no longer able to govern well. At the same time, the state of health of the king even this further decline. To address the situation, the king intends to go cruising to entertain him.
To continue the reign of the king was handed his throne at the twins were named Dragon and the Crocodile. They also agreed wishes of the king. Since after the death of the king, his two sons, which ruled the kingdom. But unfortunately, the problem appears new fundamentally.
Both the king's son had a different character. Dragon has a negative character as riotous fun, drinking and gambling. While alligators have a positive disposition as generous, warm-hearted, not wasteful and helpful.
Seeing the behavior of the Dragon is always a waste of the royal treasury, then the crocodile was angry. Because it can not dissuaded the Crocodile scold the Dragon. But it turns out dragon does not want to hear. The quarrel continued and developed into a fight. Soldiers divided the kingdom into two, partly siding with the Dragon and some siding with the Crocodile. Fighting more powerful that claimed many victims.
In his voyage, the king had a bad feeling. So he changed course to return to his ship kingdom. How shocked he was when watching that fight each other has twin sons. Furious he said, "you have wasted my faith. In this battle you have the people. For that please accept my punishment. Be thou Crocodiles and alligators are actually living in the water. Due to a slight fault, then you will stay in this area. Your job is to keep the island Mintin. While the dragon you be thou an actual dragon. Due to the large fault you will live along the Kapuas River. Your job is to keep the Kapuas River Bantilung not overgrown fungus."
After saying the curse, the sky suddenly darkened and thunder boomed. In an instant his sons had changed shape. One became a crocodile. The other being a dragon.
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Pada zaman dahulu, terdapatlah sebuah kerajaan di Pulau Mintin daerah Kahayan Hilir, Kalimantan Tengah. Kerajaan itu sangat terkenal akan kearifan rajanya. Akibatnya, kerajaan itu menjadi wilayah yang tenteram dan makmur.
Pada suatu hari, permaisuri dari raja tersebut meninggal dunia. Sejak saat itu raja menjadi murung dan nampak selalu sedih. Keadaan ini membuatnya tidak dapat lagi memerintah dengan baik. Pada saat yang sama, keadaan kesehatan raja inipun makin makin menurun. Guna menanggulangi situasi itu, raja berniat untuk pergi berlayar guna menghibur hatinya.
Untuk melanjutkan pemerintahan maka raja itu menyerahkan tahtanya pada kedua anak kembarnya yang bernama Naga dan Buaya. Mereka pun menyanggupi keinginan sang raja. Sejak sepeninggal sang raja, kedua putranya tersebut memerintah kerajaan. Namun sayangnya muncul persoalan mendasar baru. Kedua putra raja tersebut memiliki watak yang berbeda. Naga mempunyai watak negatif seperti senang berfoya-foya, mabuk-mabukan dan berjudi. Sedangkan buaya memiliki watak positif seperti pemurah, ramah tamah, tidak boros dan suka menolong.
Melihat tingkah laku si Naga yang selalu menghambur-hamburkan harta kerajaan, maka si Buayapun marah. Karena tidak bisa dinasehati maka si Buaya memarahi si Naga. Tetapi rupanya naga ini tidak mau mendengar. Pertengkaran itu berlanjut dan berkembang menjadi perkelahian. Prajurit kerajaan menjadi terbagi dua, sebahagian memihak kepada Naga dan sebagian memihak pada Buaya. Perkelahian makin dahsyat sehingga memakan banyak korban.
Dalam pelayarannya, Sang raja mempunyai firasat buruk. Maka ia pun mengubah haluan kapalnya untuk kembali ke kerajaannya. Betapa terkejutnya ia ketika menyaksikan bahwa putera kembarnya telah saling berperang. Dengan berang ia pun berkata,”kalian telah menyia-nyiakan kepercayaanku. Dengan peperangan ini kalian sudah menyengsarakan rakyat. Untuk itu terimalah hukumanku. Buaya jadilah engkau buaya yang sebenarnya dan hidup di air. Karena kesalahanmu yang sedikit, maka engkau akan menetap di daerah ini. Tugasmu adalah menjaga Pulau Mintin. Sedangkan engkau naga jadilah engkau naga yang sebenarnya. Karena kesalahanmu yang besar engkau akan tinggal di sepanjang Sungai Kapuas. Tugasmu adalah menjaga agar Sungai Kapuas tidak ditumbuhi Cendawan Bantilung.”
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