Long ago, at the foot of a mountain in the Bengkulu lived an old woman with three children. They are very poor and live only from the sale of its gardens are very narrow.
One day the old woman was seriously ill. Smart people in her village had predicted that she would still be painful if not given special medications. The cure is forest leaves cooked with coal from mountaintop supernatural.
How sad for the family to know that fact. The issue is coal from mountaintop was supposedly guarded by a snake magic. According to the story of the villagers, these snakes will prey on anyone who tried to approach the top of the mountain. Among the three girls old lady, only the youngest who agreed requirements. In fear he climbed the mountain residence of the Snake n'Daung. Really like the story, the residence of the snake is very creepy. The trees around the cave was large and mossy. Leaves covered the sun so that the place becomes dim.
Not to worry out the Youngest, she suddenly heard a loud rumble and roar. The ground shook. This is the sign of the Snake n'Daung near his cave. The highlight snake eyes sharp and his tongue panhandle. Scarcely had the Youngest approached him and said, "Snakes are sacred, give me a magic coals to cook the drug to the sick mother. Unexpectedly, with friendly snake replied, "I will give the coal if you are willing to be my wife!"
The youngest suspect that the words of the serpent is just to test it. Then he also undertakes. The next day after he brought home embers, she kept his promise on the Snake Ndaung. She returned to the top of the mountain to the cave married with a serpent. Surprise, the youngest witness miraculous events. Namely, in the evening, it turns into a snake handsome knight named Prince Abdul Rahman Alamsjah.
In the morning he would go back into a snake. It was caused because he was bewitched by his uncle into a snake. His uncle wanted the position as future king.
After the departure of the youngest son, mother to be healthy and to live with her sister's envious. They want to know what happened to the youngest. Then they went to the mountain top. They arrived there at a time when the evening. How surprised they were when they saw the snake peeked but not handsome. Envy arise within them. They want to defame her sister. They settle into the cave and stole the snake skin. They burned the snake skin. They thought it would be so mad knight and drove her sister. But the exact opposite happened. With snake skin burned, they inadvertently freed from the curse of the prince.
When finding the snake skin was burning, the prince became very excited. He ran and hugged the youngest. He tell that his uncle's magic will go away when people voluntarily snake skin burns.
Then, the Snake n'Daung that has forever become the Youngest Prince Alamsjah brought to his palace. Wicked uncle who was expelled from the palace. The youngest was then invited his family lived in the castle. But the two brothers were envious refused because he felt ashamed of his actions.
Dahulu kala, di kaki sebuah gunung di daerah Bengkulu hiduplah seorang wanita tua dengan tiga orang anaknya. Mereka sangat miskin dan hidup hanya dari penjualan hasil kebunnya yang sangat sempit.
One day the old woman was seriously ill. Smart people in her village had predicted that she would still be painful if not given special medications. The cure is forest leaves cooked with coal from mountaintop supernatural.
How sad for the family to know that fact. The issue is coal from mountaintop was supposedly guarded by a snake magic. According to the story of the villagers, these snakes will prey on anyone who tried to approach the top of the mountain. Among the three girls old lady, only the youngest who agreed requirements. In fear he climbed the mountain residence of the Snake n'Daung. Really like the story, the residence of the snake is very creepy. The trees around the cave was large and mossy. Leaves covered the sun so that the place becomes dim.
Not to worry out the Youngest, she suddenly heard a loud rumble and roar. The ground shook. This is the sign of the Snake n'Daung near his cave. The highlight snake eyes sharp and his tongue panhandle. Scarcely had the Youngest approached him and said, "Snakes are sacred, give me a magic coals to cook the drug to the sick mother. Unexpectedly, with friendly snake replied, "I will give the coal if you are willing to be my wife!"
The youngest suspect that the words of the serpent is just to test it. Then he also undertakes. The next day after he brought home embers, she kept his promise on the Snake Ndaung. She returned to the top of the mountain to the cave married with a serpent. Surprise, the youngest witness miraculous events. Namely, in the evening, it turns into a snake handsome knight named Prince Abdul Rahman Alamsjah.
In the morning he would go back into a snake. It was caused because he was bewitched by his uncle into a snake. His uncle wanted the position as future king.
After the departure of the youngest son, mother to be healthy and to live with her sister's envious. They want to know what happened to the youngest. Then they went to the mountain top. They arrived there at a time when the evening. How surprised they were when they saw the snake peeked but not handsome. Envy arise within them. They want to defame her sister. They settle into the cave and stole the snake skin. They burned the snake skin. They thought it would be so mad knight and drove her sister. But the exact opposite happened. With snake skin burned, they inadvertently freed from the curse of the prince.
When finding the snake skin was burning, the prince became very excited. He ran and hugged the youngest. He tell that his uncle's magic will go away when people voluntarily snake skin burns.
Then, the Snake n'Daung that has forever become the Youngest Prince Alamsjah brought to his palace. Wicked uncle who was expelled from the palace. The youngest was then invited his family lived in the castle. But the two brothers were envious refused because he felt ashamed of his actions.
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Dahulu kala, di kaki sebuah gunung di daerah Bengkulu hiduplah seorang wanita tua dengan tiga orang anaknya. Mereka sangat miskin dan hidup hanya dari penjualan hasil kebunnya yang sangat sempit.
Pada suatu hari perempuan tua itu sakit keras. Orang pintar di desanya itu meramalkan bahwa wanita itu akan tetap sakit apabila tidak diberikan obat khusus. Obatnya adalah daun-daunan hutan yang dimasak dengan bara gaib dari puncak gunung.
Alangkah sedihnya keluarga tersebut demi mengetahui kenyataan itu. Persoalannya adalah bara dari puncak gunung itu konon dijaga oleh seekor ular gaib. Menurut cerita penduduk desa itu, ular tersebut akan memangsa siapa saja yang mencoba mendekati puncak gunung itu. Diantara ketiga anak perempuan ibu tua itu, hanya si bungsu yang menyanggupi persyaratan tersebut. Dengan perasaan takut ia mendaki gunung kediaman si Ular n'Daung. Benar seperti cerita orang, tempat kediaman ular ini sangatlah menyeramkan. Pohon-pohon sekitar gua itu besar dan berlumut. Daun-daunnya menutupi sinar matahari sehingga tempat tersebut menjadi temaram.
Belum habis rasa khawatir si Bungsu, tiba-tiba ia mendengar suara gemuruh dan raungan yang keras. Tanah bergetar. Inilah pertanda si Ular n'Daung mendekati gua kediamannya. Mata ular tersebut menyorot tajam dan lidahnya menjulur-julur. Dengan sangat ketakutan si Bungsu mendekatinya dan berkata, “Ular yang keramat, berilah saya sebutir bara gaib guna memasak obat untuk ibuku yang sakit. Tanpa diduga, ular itu menjawab dengan ramahnya, “bara itu akan kuberikan kalau engkau bersedia menjadi isteriku!”
Si Bungsu menduga bahwa perkataan ular ini hanyalah untuk mengujinya. Maka iapun menyanggupinya. Keesokan harinya setelah ia membawa bara api pulang, ia pun menepati janjinya pada Ular Ndaung. Ia kembali ke gua puncak gunung untuk diperisteri si ular. Alangkah terkejutnya si bungsu menyaksikan kejadian ajaib. Yaitu, pada malam harinya, ternyata ular itu berubah menjadi seorang ksatria tampan bernama Pangeran Abdul Rahman Alamsjah.
Pada pagi harinya ia akan kembali menjadi ular. Hal itu disebabkan oleh karena ia disihir oleh pamannya menjadi ular. Pamannya tersebut menghendaki kedudukannya sebagai calon raja.
Setelah kepergian si bungsu, ibunya menjadi sehat dan hidup dengan kedua kakaknya yang sirik. Mereka ingin mengetahui apa yang terjadi dengan si Bungsu. Maka merekapun berangkat ke puncak gunung. Mereka tiba di sana diwaktu malam hari. Alangkah kagetnya mereka ketika mereka mengintip bukan ular yang dilihatnya tetapi lelaki tampan. Timbul perasaan iri dalam diri mereka. Mereka ingin memfitnah adiknya. Mereka mengendap ke dalam gua dan mencuri kulit ular itu. Mereka membakar kulit ular tersebut. Mereka mengira dengan demikian ksatria itu akan marah dan mengusir adiknya itu. Tetapi yang terjadi justru kebalikannya. Dengan dibakarnya kulit ular tersebut, secara tidak sengaja mereka membebaskan pangeran itu dari kutukan.
Ketika menemukan kulit ular itu terbakar, pangeran menjadi sangat gembira. Ia berlari dan memeluk si Bungsu. Di ceritakannya bahwa sihir pamannya itu akan sirna kalau ada orang yang secara suka rela membakar kulit ular itu.
Kemudian, si Ular n'Daung yang sudah selamanya menjadi Pangeran Alamsjah memboyong si Bungsu ke istananya. Pamannya yang jahat diusir dari istana. Si Bungsu pun kemudian mengajak keluarganya tinggal di istana. Tetapi dua kakaknya yang sirik menolak karena merasa malu akan perbuatannya.
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