Once upon a time, in Limboto, there is a spring called Tupalo. That said, the springs are worn shower or just play water by the angels of Khayangan.
One day, a handsome young man from Khayangan down to earth. This young man named Jilumoto, transformed into a human. Jilumoto successfully hid angel wings belong to the oldest named Mbu'I Bungale. They fell in love and eventually married. They built a house and garden on the hill called the hill Huntu Lo Ti'opo or cotton.
One day, Mbu'I Bungale got pearl the amount of duck eggs. Pearl is called Bimelula. Then, Mbu'I Bungale save Bimelula in Tupalo by covering it with a tolu (hood).
Come four Tupalo nomads. When taking a bath, they found tolu floating on water. As they approached and lifted tolu that, when a devastating typhoons and heavy rains. Fourth nomads immediately go for refuge. When the hurricane and the rain stopped, they returned to the springs.
Not long after, Mbu'I Bungale and Jilumoto came to take Bimelula. However, all four of these nomads confronting. And they argue about who is the owner and who is the ruler Tupalo Bimelula.
Finally, Mbu'I Bungale said, "Well, if you really feel as ruler Tupalo, try expanding your springs into a lake!"
The fourth undertakes nomads. They were trying desperately to expand Tupalo in an instant. However, they did not succeed. Their leader was approached Mbu'I Bungale.
"If you're the ruling Tupalo, now it's your turn to do it!" Said the pilgrims.
Mbu'I Bungale pressed his hands and shouted for eyes widened and rose water. Tupalo suddenly widened and the water was rising. Mbu'I Bungale and her husband have moved up in the tree. The four pilgrims beg forgiveness Mbu'I Bungale.
Shortly thereafter, Bimelula hatch. Then came a beautiful little girl which later was named Tilango lo Hulolo. This name watery moonlight.
While on the way back home, Mbu'I Bungale found 5 oranges floating on lake. The citrus scent is very fragrant.
"This orange citrus scent smells like Khayangan ..," her husband said Mbu'I Bungale. Then, they call it an Bulalo limo lo u tutu which means lake of orange from Khayangan.
Today, the lake is known as Bulalo lo Limutu.
At a later date, Tilango lo Hulolo Limboto crowned king.
Pada zaman dahulu kala, di Limboto, ada sebuah mata air bernama Tupalo. Konon, mata air tersebut biasa dipakai mandi atau sekedar bermain air oleh para bidadari dari Khayangan.
One day, a handsome young man from Khayangan down to earth. This young man named Jilumoto, transformed into a human. Jilumoto successfully hid angel wings belong to the oldest named Mbu'I Bungale. They fell in love and eventually married. They built a house and garden on the hill called the hill Huntu Lo Ti'opo or cotton.
One day, Mbu'I Bungale got pearl the amount of duck eggs. Pearl is called Bimelula. Then, Mbu'I Bungale save Bimelula in Tupalo by covering it with a tolu (hood).
Come four Tupalo nomads. When taking a bath, they found tolu floating on water. As they approached and lifted tolu that, when a devastating typhoons and heavy rains. Fourth nomads immediately go for refuge. When the hurricane and the rain stopped, they returned to the springs.
Not long after, Mbu'I Bungale and Jilumoto came to take Bimelula. However, all four of these nomads confronting. And they argue about who is the owner and who is the ruler Tupalo Bimelula.
Finally, Mbu'I Bungale said, "Well, if you really feel as ruler Tupalo, try expanding your springs into a lake!"
The fourth undertakes nomads. They were trying desperately to expand Tupalo in an instant. However, they did not succeed. Their leader was approached Mbu'I Bungale.
"If you're the ruling Tupalo, now it's your turn to do it!" Said the pilgrims.
Mbu'I Bungale pressed his hands and shouted for eyes widened and rose water. Tupalo suddenly widened and the water was rising. Mbu'I Bungale and her husband have moved up in the tree. The four pilgrims beg forgiveness Mbu'I Bungale.
Shortly thereafter, Bimelula hatch. Then came a beautiful little girl which later was named Tilango lo Hulolo. This name watery moonlight.
While on the way back home, Mbu'I Bungale found 5 oranges floating on lake. The citrus scent is very fragrant.
"This orange citrus scent smells like Khayangan ..," her husband said Mbu'I Bungale. Then, they call it an Bulalo limo lo u tutu which means lake of orange from Khayangan.
Today, the lake is known as Bulalo lo Limutu.
At a later date, Tilango lo Hulolo Limboto crowned king.
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Pada zaman dahulu kala, di Limboto, ada sebuah mata air bernama Tupalo. Konon, mata air tersebut biasa dipakai mandi atau sekedar bermain air oleh para bidadari dari Khayangan.
Suatu saat, seorang pemuda tampan dari Khayangan turun ke bumi. Pemuda ini bernama Jilumoto, menjelma menjadi manusia biasa. Jilumoto berhasil menyembunyikan sayap milik bidadari tertua bernama Mbu’I Bungale. Mereka saling jatuh cinta dan akhirnya menikah. Mereka membangun rumah dan berkebun di bukit yang dinamakan Huntu Lo Ti’opo atau bukit kapas.
Pada suatu hari, Mbu’I Bungale mendapat mustika yang besarnya sebesar telur itik. Mustika ini disebut Bimelula. Kemudian, Mbu’I Bungale menyimpan Bimelula di Tupalo dengan menutupnya dengan sebuah tolu (tudung).
Datanglah empat orang pengembara di Tupalo. Ketika sedang mandi, mereka menemukan tolu terapung diatas air. Ketika mereka mendekat dan mengangkat tolu itu, seketika juga terjadi angin topan dahsyat dan hujan deras. Keempat pengembara tersebut segera pergi berlindung. Saat angin topan dan hujan berhenti, mereka kembali ke mata air tersebut.
Tidak lama kemudian, Mbu’I Bungale dan Jilumoto datang untuk mengambil Bimelula. Namun, keempat pengembara ini menghadangnya. Merekapun berdebat tentang siapa pemilik Bimelula dan siapa penguasa Tupalo.
Akhirnya, Mbu’I Bungale berkata, “Baiklah, kalo benar kalian merasa sebagai penguasa Tupalo, coba kalian perluas mata air ini menjadi sebuah danau !”
Keempat pengembara menyanggupinya. Mereka pun berupaya sekuat tenaga untuk memperluas Tupalo dalam waktu sekejap. Namun, mereka tidak berhasil. Pemimpin mereka pun menghampiri Mbu’I Bungale.
“Kalau kau benar penguasa Tupalo, sekarang giliranmu melakukannya!” kata pengembara itu.
Mbu’I Bungale merapatkan kedua tangannya, lalu berteriak agar mata air melebar dan meninggi. Tiba-tiba Tupalo pun melebar dan airnya meninggi. Mbu’I Bungale dan suaminya telah berpindah keatas pohon. Keempat pengembara itu memohon ampun kepada Mbu’I Bungale.
Tak lama kemudian, Bimelula menetas. Lalu muncullah gadis kecil yang cantik jelita yang kemudian diberi nama Tilango lo Hulolo. Nama ini mengandung air cahaya bulan.
Ketika dalam perjalanan pulang kerumah, Mbu’I Bungale menemukan 5 buah jeruk terapung didanau. Aroma jeruk tersebut sangatlah harum.
“Jeruk ini aromanya seperti aroma jeruk di Khayangan..,” kata Mbu’I Bungale pada suaminya. Lalu, mereka menamai danau tersebut menjadi Bulalo lo limo u tutu yang artinya danau dari jeruk yang berasal dari Khayangan.
Kini, danau tersebut dikenal sebagai Bulalo lo Limutu.
Pada kemudian hari, Tilango lo Hulolo dinobatkan menjadi raja Limboto.
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