Mrs. Suci was an elementary school teacher and almost 10 years of teaching in Purwodadi. She lives with her husband, 3 children and her aunt. Her husband works as a mechanic at a company in her hometown.
A few months ago her husband moved to Semarang, precisely in the area Mrican.
When get to the new school in Semarang, she accompanied her children to school. She also introduced herself to the principal. As the parents as well as teachers are awaiting appointment, the Principal also gave offers to teach at the school.
One day her second child had a fever, cough and colds. Mrs. Suci took her to the GP. After a few days, at tumbuhi skin rashes and itchy. After several days of cough, colds and spots were gone, now her son is a headache. Mrs. Suci took her to the doctor the company. Doctors gave him medication and advised to be taken to hospital.
After five days, the child is healthy and able to go to school anymore. Her husband delivered the papers family medical examination. According to the company doctor to her second child should be brought to the doctor nerve / neurologist. For days the Mrs. Suci and son fro the hospital to undergo a series of examinations son. As a result, it turns out his son suffers from epilepsy / seizures / epilepsy.
The first day of Mrs. Suci introduce themselves to the students and student attendance roll. That day there were 3 children who do not attend, one of which is Waskito. After four days of teaching, Waskito not yet entered. Mrs. Suci asked her students about the absence Waskito. But from her students, she learns that his friends do not like Waskito. According to the teachers who taught the class, they think Waskito a difficult student. Anger and calmness driven by the liver that lack of attention from his family.
Mrs. Suci sent a letter to Grandma Waksito. Predetermined afternoon, the Mrs. Suci visited Grandma Waksito. From her grandmother she gained a lot of information about Waksito. That Waksito been beaten by his father because he was absent. During his stay at home parents he never reprimanded, told what is good and bad. But as long as 1.5 years old stay at home grandmother, Waskito being nice, polite, often doing homework, attending school regularly. The result Waskito a normal student. Report cards show progress. However, his parents took it back.
Mrs. Suci visited Grandma Waskito for the second time. His grandmother told me that now lives with his aunt. One day Waskito school. Day of the Mrs. Suci was asked some students to move the seat. She also asked Waskito to be moved but Waskito not.
One day schools conduct lessons to the field. Teachers and students visited a food factory. Visible, active Waskito asked about food making machine.
Mrs. Suci to form groups in class. Each group was given the task to make the vessel in touch. Apparently the work of the most perfect Waskito.
Mrs. Suci gave the task to make the zoo. The work group Waskito most good. During the three-month state of calm. Waskito not make any trouble. At the break Waskito rampage. The teachers suggested that Waskito expelled from school. Mrs. Suci retain students. She asked for a month to the school. Principal was granted her request.
Since the incident, the Mrs. Suci breaks more often in class. Mrs. Suci would often chat with Waskito. Bu Sacred feel closer to these students. In the next report card contains normal numbers. Waskito never screw up like he did the other day. Mrs. Suci had kept her promise sacred, Waskito follow his heart's in Purwodadi fishing with family Mrs. Suci. At the end of the school year, Waskito grade. His aunt came to the school to thank the principal, the teachers, especially the Mrs. Suci. Top tenacity, Waskito become better students than usual.
Bu Suci adalah seorang guru SD dan hampir 10 th mengajar di Purwodadi. Dia tinggal bersama suami, 3 orang anaknya dan uwaknya. Suaminya bekerja sebagai montir di sebuah perusahaan di kotanya. Beberapa bulan lalu suaminya pindah ke Semarang, tepatnya di daerah Mrican.
A few months ago her husband moved to Semarang, precisely in the area Mrican.
When get to the new school in Semarang, she accompanied her children to school. She also introduced herself to the principal. As the parents as well as teachers are awaiting appointment, the Principal also gave offers to teach at the school.
One day her second child had a fever, cough and colds. Mrs. Suci took her to the GP. After a few days, at tumbuhi skin rashes and itchy. After several days of cough, colds and spots were gone, now her son is a headache. Mrs. Suci took her to the doctor the company. Doctors gave him medication and advised to be taken to hospital.
After five days, the child is healthy and able to go to school anymore. Her husband delivered the papers family medical examination. According to the company doctor to her second child should be brought to the doctor nerve / neurologist. For days the Mrs. Suci and son fro the hospital to undergo a series of examinations son. As a result, it turns out his son suffers from epilepsy / seizures / epilepsy.
The first day of Mrs. Suci introduce themselves to the students and student attendance roll. That day there were 3 children who do not attend, one of which is Waskito. After four days of teaching, Waskito not yet entered. Mrs. Suci asked her students about the absence Waskito. But from her students, she learns that his friends do not like Waskito. According to the teachers who taught the class, they think Waskito a difficult student. Anger and calmness driven by the liver that lack of attention from his family.
Mrs. Suci sent a letter to Grandma Waksito. Predetermined afternoon, the Mrs. Suci visited Grandma Waksito. From her grandmother she gained a lot of information about Waksito. That Waksito been beaten by his father because he was absent. During his stay at home parents he never reprimanded, told what is good and bad. But as long as 1.5 years old stay at home grandmother, Waskito being nice, polite, often doing homework, attending school regularly. The result Waskito a normal student. Report cards show progress. However, his parents took it back.
Mrs. Suci visited Grandma Waskito for the second time. His grandmother told me that now lives with his aunt. One day Waskito school. Day of the Mrs. Suci was asked some students to move the seat. She also asked Waskito to be moved but Waskito not.
One day schools conduct lessons to the field. Teachers and students visited a food factory. Visible, active Waskito asked about food making machine.
Mrs. Suci to form groups in class. Each group was given the task to make the vessel in touch. Apparently the work of the most perfect Waskito.
Mrs. Suci gave the task to make the zoo. The work group Waskito most good. During the three-month state of calm. Waskito not make any trouble. At the break Waskito rampage. The teachers suggested that Waskito expelled from school. Mrs. Suci retain students. She asked for a month to the school. Principal was granted her request.
Since the incident, the Mrs. Suci breaks more often in class. Mrs. Suci would often chat with Waskito. Bu Sacred feel closer to these students. In the next report card contains normal numbers. Waskito never screw up like he did the other day. Mrs. Suci had kept her promise sacred, Waskito follow his heart's in Purwodadi fishing with family Mrs. Suci. At the end of the school year, Waskito grade. His aunt came to the school to thank the principal, the teachers, especially the Mrs. Suci. Top tenacity, Waskito become better students than usual.
Bu Suci adalah seorang guru SD dan hampir 10 th mengajar di Purwodadi. Dia tinggal bersama suami, 3 orang anaknya dan uwaknya. Suaminya bekerja sebagai montir di sebuah perusahaan di kotanya. Beberapa bulan lalu suaminya pindah ke Semarang, tepatnya di daerah Mrican.
Saat masuk ke sekolah baru di
Semarang, ia menemani anak-anaknya ke sekolah. Dia juga memperkenalkan
diri kepada Kepala Sekolah. Sebagai orang tua murid juga sebagai guru
yang menunggu pengangkatan, Kepala Sekolah pun memberi penawaran untuk
mengajar di sekolah tersebut.
Pada suatu hari anak keduanya sakit
panas, batuk dan selesma. Bu Suci membawanya ke dokter umum. Setelah
beberapa hari, kulitnya di tumbuhi bintik-bintik merah dan terasa gatal.
Setelah beberapa hari batuk, selesma dan bintik-bintik itu hilang, kini
anaknya tersebut merasa sakit kepala. Bu Suci membawanya ke dokter
perusahaan. Dokter memberinya obat dan menyarankan untuk dibawa ke Rumah
Sakit. Setelah lima hari, anak tersebut sehat dan bisa masuk sekolah
lagi. Suaminya menyampaikan kertas-kertas hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan
keluarganya. Menurut dokter perusahaan anak keduanya harus dibawa ke
dokter syaraf/neurolog. Berhari-hari Bu Suci dan anaknya mondar-mandir
rumah sakit untuk menjalani serangkaian pemeriksaan anaknya. Hasilnya,
ternyata anaknya menderita penyakit ayan/ sawan/ epilepsi.
Hari pertama Bu Suci memperkenalkan
diri kepada murid-muridnya dan mengabsen kehadiran muridnya. Hari itu
ada 3 anak yang tidak hadir, salah satunya adalah Waskito. Setelah empat
hari mengajar, Waskito belum juga masuk. Bu Suci menanyakan kepada
murid-muridnya tentang ketidakhadiran Waskito. Namun dari
murid-muridnya, dia mengetahui bahwa teman-temannya tidak menyukai
Waskito. Menurut guru-guru yang pernah mengajar kelas tersebut, mereka
menganggap Waskito sebagai murid yang sukar. Kemarahan dan ketenangannya
didorong oleh hati yang kekurangan perhatian dari keluarganya.
Suci mengirim surat kepada Nenek Waksito. Sore hari yang telah
ditentukan, Bu Suci mengunjungi rumah Nenek Waksito. Dari Neneknya dia
memperoleh banyak informasi tentang Waksito. Bahwa Waksito pernah
dipukul oleh ayahnya karena dia membolos. Selama berada dirumah
orangtuanya dia tidak pernah ditegur, diberi tahu mana yang baik dan
buruk. Tetapi selama tinggal 1,5 th dirumah Neneknya, Waskito bersikap
manis, sopan, sering mengerjakan tugas rumah, masuk sekolah secara
teratur. Hasilnya Waskito menjadi murid yang normal. Raportnya
menunjukan kemajuan. Namun, orang tuanya mengambilnya kembali.
Bu Suci mengunjungi Nenek Waskito
untuk kedua kalinya. Neneknya menceritakan bahwa kini Waskito tinggal
bersama Budenya. Pada suatu hari Waskito masuk sekolah. Dihari itu Bu
Suci meminta beberapa orang siswanya untuk berpindah tempat duduk. Ia
juga meminta Waskito untuk pindah namun Waskito tidak mau.
Suatu hari sekolah melaksanakan
pelajaran turun ke lapangan. Guru-guru dan murid-murid mengunjungi
pabrik makanan. Terlihat, Waskito aktif bertanya tentang mesin pembuat
Bu Suci membentuk kelompok-kelompok di
kelasnya. Setiap kelompok diberi tugas untuk membuat bejana
berhubungan. Ternyata hasil karya kelompok Waskito yang paling sempurna.
Bu Suci memberikan tugas kelompok
membuat kebun binatang. Karya kelompok Waskito yang paling bagus. Selama
tiga bulan keadaan tenang. Waskito tidak membuat onar. Pada waktu
istirahat Waskito mengamuk. Guru-guru mengusulkan agar Waskito
dikeluarkan dari sekolah. Bu Suci mempertahankan muridnya tersebut. Dia
meminta waktu satu bulan kepada sekolah. Kepala Sekolah pun mengabulkan
Sejak kejadian itu, pada waktu
istirahat Bu Suci lebih sering berada dikelas. Bu Suci pun sering
mengobrol dengan Waskito. Bu Suci merasa lebih dekat dengan muridnya
tersebut. Pada raport berikutnya berisi angka-angka normal. Waskito
tidak pernah mengacau seperti yang dilakukannya tempo hari. Bu suci pun
menepati janjinya, Waskito ikut memancing sepuas hatinya di Purwodadi
bersama keluarga Bu Suci. Pada akhir tahun pelajaran, Waskito naik
kelas. Budenya datang ke sekolah berterima kasih kepada Kepala Sekolah,
guru-guru terutama kepada Bu Suci. Atas keuletannya, Waskito menjadi
murid yang lebih dari biasa.
Judul : Pertemuan Dua Hati
Pengarang : NH Dini
Lahir : Semarang, 29 Februari 1936
Riwayat Pengarang :
Nama Nh. Dini merupakan singkatan dari Nurhayati Srihardini. Nh. Dini dilahirkan pada tanggal 29 Februari 1936 di Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Ia adalah anak kelima (bungsu) dari empat bersaudara. Ayahnya, Salyowijoyo, seorang pegawai perusahaan kereta api. Ibunya bernama Kusaminah. Bakat menulisnya tampak sejak berusia sembilan tahun. Pada usia itu ia telah menulis karangan yang berjudul “Merdeka dan Merah Putih”. Tulisan itu dianggap membahayakan Belanda sehingga ayahnya harus berurusan dengan Belanda. Namun, setelah mengetahui penulisnya anak-anak, Belanda mengalah.
Nama Nh. Dini merupakan singkatan dari Nurhayati Srihardini. Nh. Dini dilahirkan pada tanggal 29 Februari 1936 di Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Ia adalah anak kelima (bungsu) dari empat bersaudara. Ayahnya, Salyowijoyo, seorang pegawai perusahaan kereta api. Ibunya bernama Kusaminah. Bakat menulisnya tampak sejak berusia sembilan tahun. Pada usia itu ia telah menulis karangan yang berjudul “Merdeka dan Merah Putih”. Tulisan itu dianggap membahayakan Belanda sehingga ayahnya harus berurusan dengan Belanda. Namun, setelah mengetahui penulisnya anak-anak, Belanda mengalah.
- Dini bercita-cita menjadi dokter hewan. Namun, ia tidak dapat mewujudkan cita-cita itu karena orang tuanya tidak mampu membiayainya. Ia hanya dapat mencapai pendidikannya sampai sekolah menengah atas jurusan sastra. Ia mengikuti kursus B1 jurusan sejarah (1957). Di samping itu, ia menambah pengetahuan bidang lain, yaitu menari Jawa dan memainkan gamelan. Meskipun demikian, ia lebih berkonsentrasi pada kegiatan menulis. Hasil karyanya yang berupa puisi dan cerpen dimuat dalam majalah Budaya dan Gadjah Mada di Yogyakarta (1952), majalah Mimbar Indonesia, dan lembar kebudayaan Siasat. Pada tahun 1955 ia memenangkan sayembara penulisan naskah sandiwara radio dalam Festival Sandiwara Radio di seluruh Jawa Tengah.
Kegiatan lain yang dilakukannya
adalah mendirikan perkumpulan seni Kuncup Mekar bersama kakaknya.
Kegiatannya adalah karawitan dan sandiwara. Nh. Dini juga bekerja,
yaitu di RRI Semarang, tetapi tidak lama. Kemudian, ia bekerja di
Jakarta sebagai pramugari GIA (1957—1960).
- Pada tahun 1960 Dini menikah dengan seorang diplomat Prancis yang bernama Yves Coffin. Ia mengikuti tugas suaminya di Jepang, Prancis, dan Amerika Serikat. Karena bersuamikan orang Prancis, Dini beralih warga negaranya menjadi warga negara Prancis. Dari perkawinannya itu Dini mempunyai dua orang anak, yaitu Marie Claire Lintang dan Louis Padang. Terhadap kedua anaknya itu, Dini memeberi kebebasan budaya yang akan dianut dan bahasa yang akan dipelajari. Untuk mengajarkan budaya Indonesia, Dini menyuruh anaknya mendengarkan musik Indonesia, terutama gamelan Jawa, Bali, dan Sunda serta melatihnya menari.
Pada tahun 1984 Dini bercerai dengan
suaminya. Pada tahun 1985 kembali ke Indonesia dan menjadi warga
negara Indonesia. Ia memutuskan kembali ke kampung halamannya dan
melanjutkan menulis serta mendirikan taman bacaan anak-anak yang
bernama Pondok Baca N.H. Dini yang beralamat di Perumahan Beringin
Indah, jalan Angsana No. 9, Blok A-V Ngalian, Semarang 50159, Jawa
Tengah. Pengalaman menjadi istri diplomat
memperkaya pengetahuannya sehingga banyak mempengaruhi karya-karyanya,
seperti karyanya yang berlatar kehidupan Jepang, Eropa, dan Amerika.
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