upon a time in the village Melanti, Hulu Hamlet, live a married
couple that Hamlet Hulu officer and his wife were named Babu Jaruma. Age they had enough and they do not also get offspring. They have always appealed to the Gods that gave birth to a son as successor offspring.
One day, a very bad state of nature. It was raining very heavily for seven days and seven nights. Lightning turns accompanied by a rumble of thunder and the wind is quite strong. Nobody dared the Upper Hamlet out of the house, including the Upper Hamlet officer and his wife.
On the seventh day, supply firewood for cooking the family has run out. To not dare come out of their homes due to severe weather. Officials finally decided to take one of her roof rafters to be used as firewood.
When the officer Hulu Hamlet splitting wood rafters, she was surprised when she saw a tiny caterpillar being circular and looked at him with soft eyes, as if asking for mercy and maintained. At the time it was taken Officials caterpillar, natural wonders ensued. Heavy rain was accompanied by thunder and lightning for seven days and seven nights, instantly became calm. Sunny day again as usual, and the sun had already revealed itself behind a white cloud accompaniment. The entire population of the Upper Hamlet grateful and excited about the changes in weather.
The little caterpillars are well maintained by the family of the officer Hulu Hamlet. Babu Jaruma very diligent care and provide food in the form of fresh leaves of the caterpillar. Day by day, month to change the month, the caterpillar grow quickly and it turned out he was a dragon.
One night, the officer Hulu Hamlet meets a princess who dreamed of beautiful girl who is the embodiment of the dragon.
"My father and mother do not be afraid." said the princess, "Although I am is big and scary people in this village, let me to go., and be made a a ladder to slide down."
In the morning, the officer Hulu Hamlet told his dream to his wife. They both made a ladder made of bamboo. When the dragon moves about to go down, he said, and his voice sounds exactly like the princess is heard in a dream last night officer.
"When I has come down to the ground, then the father and mother should follow anywhere I creep. Besides, I asked that my father burned black sesame and sprinkle my body with yellow rice. If I crept down to the river and have been entered into the water, then accompany froth that appears on the surface of the river."
"The dragon was crawling down the stairs to the ground and then headed to the river accompanied by the officer and his wife. Once on the river, the dragon swim 7 times consecutive upstream 7 times and downstream, and then swim to the Stone Edge. In Stone Edge, the dragon swam to the left 3 times and to the right 3 times and finally he dived.
At the moment the dragon diving, there arose a mighty hurricane, surging water, rain, thunder and lightning shouted. The boat carrying officials were rowed to shore. Then once things got settled, the sun reappeared, accompanied by light rain. Officer and his wife were amazed. They observed the surface of the Mahakam river, looking for where the dragon was.
Suddenly they saw the surface of the Mahakam river filled with froth. Stacking rainbows the colors to the scum that rises in surface water. Babu Jaruma look like there is a luminous jade sparkle-sparkle. They also approached the glowing bubble froth before, and was surprised when they see that there is a bubble froth baby girl lying in a gong. Gong was then rising and there was a dragon who disappeared before being upheld the gong. The more gongs and dragon was rising up to the surface, they appear by strange animals were upholding the dragon and the gong. Officer and his wife were frightened by the appearance of a strange animal that was none other than Lembuswana, officials immediately rowed his boat to the edge of the stone.
Shortly thereafter, slowly Lembuswana and the dragon sinks into the river, until there remains only gong babies from heaven containing it. Gong and the baby was immediately taken by Babu Jaruma and take home. Officer and his wife are very happy to receive the gift of a baby girl who is very beautiful. The baby was then maintained them, and in accordance with the dream addressed to them the baby was named Miss Karang Melenu. Baby girl is soon going to become the wife of the first king of Kutai Kartanegara, Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti.
Thus the origin of mythological aquatic dragon that delivers Erau Princess Coral Princess Junjung Buih or Putri Karang Melenu, queen mother of kings Kutai Kartanegara.
Pada zaman dahulu kala di kampung Melanti, Hulu Dusun, berdiamlah sepasang suami istri yakni Petinggi Hulu Dusun dan istrinya yang bernama Babu Jaruma. Usia mereka sudah cukup lanjut dan mereka belum juga mendapatkan keturunan. Mereka selalu memohon kepada Dewata agar dikaruniai seorang anak sebagai penerus keturunannya.
One day, a very bad state of nature. It was raining very heavily for seven days and seven nights. Lightning turns accompanied by a rumble of thunder and the wind is quite strong. Nobody dared the Upper Hamlet out of the house, including the Upper Hamlet officer and his wife.
On the seventh day, supply firewood for cooking the family has run out. To not dare come out of their homes due to severe weather. Officials finally decided to take one of her roof rafters to be used as firewood.
When the officer Hulu Hamlet splitting wood rafters, she was surprised when she saw a tiny caterpillar being circular and looked at him with soft eyes, as if asking for mercy and maintained. At the time it was taken Officials caterpillar, natural wonders ensued. Heavy rain was accompanied by thunder and lightning for seven days and seven nights, instantly became calm. Sunny day again as usual, and the sun had already revealed itself behind a white cloud accompaniment. The entire population of the Upper Hamlet grateful and excited about the changes in weather.
The little caterpillars are well maintained by the family of the officer Hulu Hamlet. Babu Jaruma very diligent care and provide food in the form of fresh leaves of the caterpillar. Day by day, month to change the month, the caterpillar grow quickly and it turned out he was a dragon.
One night, the officer Hulu Hamlet meets a princess who dreamed of beautiful girl who is the embodiment of the dragon.
"My father and mother do not be afraid." said the princess, "Although I am is big and scary people in this village, let me to go., and be made a a ladder to slide down."
In the morning, the officer Hulu Hamlet told his dream to his wife. They both made a ladder made of bamboo. When the dragon moves about to go down, he said, and his voice sounds exactly like the princess is heard in a dream last night officer.
"When I has come down to the ground, then the father and mother should follow anywhere I creep. Besides, I asked that my father burned black sesame and sprinkle my body with yellow rice. If I crept down to the river and have been entered into the water, then accompany froth that appears on the surface of the river."
"The dragon was crawling down the stairs to the ground and then headed to the river accompanied by the officer and his wife. Once on the river, the dragon swim 7 times consecutive upstream 7 times and downstream, and then swim to the Stone Edge. In Stone Edge, the dragon swam to the left 3 times and to the right 3 times and finally he dived.
At the moment the dragon diving, there arose a mighty hurricane, surging water, rain, thunder and lightning shouted. The boat carrying officials were rowed to shore. Then once things got settled, the sun reappeared, accompanied by light rain. Officer and his wife were amazed. They observed the surface of the Mahakam river, looking for where the dragon was.
Suddenly they saw the surface of the Mahakam river filled with froth. Stacking rainbows the colors to the scum that rises in surface water. Babu Jaruma look like there is a luminous jade sparkle-sparkle. They also approached the glowing bubble froth before, and was surprised when they see that there is a bubble froth baby girl lying in a gong. Gong was then rising and there was a dragon who disappeared before being upheld the gong. The more gongs and dragon was rising up to the surface, they appear by strange animals were upholding the dragon and the gong. Officer and his wife were frightened by the appearance of a strange animal that was none other than Lembuswana, officials immediately rowed his boat to the edge of the stone.
Shortly thereafter, slowly Lembuswana and the dragon sinks into the river, until there remains only gong babies from heaven containing it. Gong and the baby was immediately taken by Babu Jaruma and take home. Officer and his wife are very happy to receive the gift of a baby girl who is very beautiful. The baby was then maintained them, and in accordance with the dream addressed to them the baby was named Miss Karang Melenu. Baby girl is soon going to become the wife of the first king of Kutai Kartanegara, Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti.
Thus the origin of mythological aquatic dragon that delivers Erau Princess Coral Princess Junjung Buih or Putri Karang Melenu, queen mother of kings Kutai Kartanegara.
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Pada zaman dahulu kala di kampung Melanti, Hulu Dusun, berdiamlah sepasang suami istri yakni Petinggi Hulu Dusun dan istrinya yang bernama Babu Jaruma. Usia mereka sudah cukup lanjut dan mereka belum juga mendapatkan keturunan. Mereka selalu memohon kepada Dewata agar dikaruniai seorang anak sebagai penerus keturunannya.
Suatu hari, keadaan alam menjadi sangat buruk. Hujan turun dengan sangat lebat selama tujuh hari tujuh malam. Petir menyambar silih berganti diiringi gemuruh guntur dan tiupan angin yang cukup kencang. Tak seorang pun penduduk Hulu Dusun yang berani keluar rumah, termasuk Petinggi Hulu Dusun dan istrinya.
Pada hari yang ketujuh, persediaan kayu bakar untuk keperluan memasak keluarga ini sudah habis. Untuk keluar rumah mereka tak berani karena cuaca yang sangat buruk. Akhirnya Petinggi memutuskan untuk mengambil salah satu kasau atap rumahnya untuk dijadikan kayu bakar.
Ketika Petinggi Hulu Dusun membelah kayu kasau, alangkah terkejutnya ia ketika melihat seekor ulat kecil sedang melingkar dan memandang kearahnya dengan matanya yang halus, seakan-akan minta dikasihani dan dipelihara. Pada saat ulat itu diambil Petinggi, keajaiban alam pun terjadi. Hujan yang tadinya lebat disertai guntur dan petir selama tujuh hari tujuh malam, seketika itu juga menjadi reda. Hari kembali cerah seperti sedia kala, dan sang surya pun telah menampakkan dirinya dibalik iringan awan putih. Seluruh penduduk Hulu Dusun bersyukur dan gembira atas perubahan cuaca ini.
Ketika Petinggi Hulu Dusun membelah kayu kasau, alangkah terkejutnya ia ketika melihat seekor ulat kecil sedang melingkar dan memandang kearahnya dengan matanya yang halus, seakan-akan minta dikasihani dan dipelihara. Pada saat ulat itu diambil Petinggi, keajaiban alam pun terjadi. Hujan yang tadinya lebat disertai guntur dan petir selama tujuh hari tujuh malam, seketika itu juga menjadi reda. Hari kembali cerah seperti sedia kala, dan sang surya pun telah menampakkan dirinya dibalik iringan awan putih. Seluruh penduduk Hulu Dusun bersyukur dan gembira atas perubahan cuaca ini.
Ulat kecil tadi dipelihara dengan baik oleh keluarga Petinggi Hulu Dusun. Babu Jaruma sangat rajin merawat dan memberikan makanan berupa daun-daun segar kepada ulat itu. Hari berganti hari, bulan berganti bulan, ulat itu membesar dengan cepat dan ternyata ia adalah seekor naga.
Suatu malam, Petinggi Hulu Dusun bermimpi bertemu seorang putri yang cantik jelita yang merupakan penjelmaan dari naga tersebut.
"Ayah dan bunda tak usah takut dengan ananda." kata sang putri, "Meskipun ananda sudah besar dan menakutkan orang di desa ini, izinkanlah ananda untuk pergi. Dan buatkanlah sebuah tangga agar dapat meluncur ke bawah."
Pagi harinya, Petinggi Hulu Dusun menceritakan mimpinya kepada sang istri. Mereka berdua lalu membuatkan sebuah tangga yang terbuat dari bambu. Ketika naga itu bergerak hendak turun, ia berkata dan suaranya persis seperti suara putri yang didengar dalam mimpi Petinggi semalam.
"Bilamana ananda telah turun ke tanah, maka hendaknya ayah dan bunda mengikuti kemana saja ananda merayap. Disamping itu ananda minta agar ayahanda membakar wijen hitam serta taburi tubuh ananda dengan beras kuning. Jika ananda merayap sampai ke sungai dan telah masuk kedalam air, maka iringilah buih yang muncul di permukaan sungai."
Sang naga pun merayap menuruni tangga itu sampai ke tanah dan selanjutnya menuju ke sungai dengan diiringi oleh Petinggi dan isterinya. Setelah sampai di sungai, berenanglah sang naga berturut-turut 7 kali ke hulu dan 7 kali ke hilir dan kemudian berenang ke Tepian Batu. Di Tepian Batu, sang naga berenang ke kiri 3 kali dan ke kanan 3 kali dan akhirnya ia menyelam.
Di saat sang naga menyelam, timbullah angin topan yang dahsyat, air bergelombang, hujan, guntur dan petir bersahut-sahutan. Perahu yang ditumpangi petinggi pun didayung ke tepian. Kemudian seketika keadaan menjadi tenang kembali, matahari muncul kembali dengan disertai hujan rintik-rintik. Petinggi dan isterinya menjadi heran. Mereka mengamati permukaan sungai Mahakam, mencari-cari dimana sang naga berada.
Tiba-tiba mereka melihat permukaan sungai Mahakam dipenuhi dengan buih. Pelangi menumpukkan warna-warninya ke tempat buih yang meninggi di permukaan air tersebut. Babu Jaruma melihat seperti ada kumala yang bercahaya berkilau-kilauan. Mereka pun mendekati gelembung buih yang bercahaya tadi, dan alangkah terkejutnya mereka ketika melihat di gelembung buih itu terdapat seorang bayi perempuan sedang terbaring didalam sebuah gong. Gong itu kemudian meninggi dan tampaklah naga yang menghilang tadi sedang menjunjung gong tersebut. Semakin gong dan naga tadi meninggi naik ke atas permukaan air, nampaklah oleh mereka binatang aneh sedang menjunjung sang naga dan gong tersebut. Petinggi dan istrinya ketakutan melihat kemunculan binatang aneh yang tak lain adalah Lembu Swana, dengan segera petinggi mendayung perahunya ke tepian batu.
Tak lama kemudian, perlahan-lahan Lembu Swana dan sang naga tenggelam ke dalam sungai, hingga akhirnya yang tertinggal hanyalah gong yang berisi bayi dari khayangan itu. Gong dan bayi itu segera diambil oleh Babu Jaruma dan dibawanya pulang. Petinggi dan istrinya sangat bahagia mendapat karunia berupa seorang bayi perempuan yang sangat cantik. Bayi itu lalu dipelihara mereka, dan sesuai dengan mimpi yang ditujukan kepada mereka maka bayi itu diberi nama Puteri Karang Melenu. Bayi perempuan inilah kelak akan menjadi istri raja Kutai Kartanegara yang pertama, Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti.
Demikianlah mitologi Kutai mengenai asal mula Naga Erau yang menghantarkan Putri Junjung Buih atau Putri Karang Melenu, ibu suri dari raja-raja Kutai Kartanegara.
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