Once, in a remote village in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, there lived an old widow with a daughter named Darmi beautiful maiden. They lived in a hut located at the end of the village.
Since Darmi's father died, their life becomes difficult. Darmi's father do not leave any inheritance. To make ends meet, Darmi's mother working in the fields of others as wage laborers.
While her daughter, Darmi, a spoiled girl. Whatever she requested should be granted. Besides spoiled, she is also a lazy girl. It works just preening and admiring her beauty in front of the mirror. Every afternoon she was always up and down the village without a destination, but just to show her beauty. She did not want to help her mother earn a living. Every time her mother asked her to go into the fields, she always refused.
"Darmi! Come help me work in the fields, "said her mother.
"No, Mom! I do not want to go into the fields. Later the nails and my skin is stained with mud, "said Darmi refused.
"Do not you feel sorry, Darmi," asked her mother pleaded.
"No! Old mother has worked in the fields, because it is no longer possible there are men who are interested with your face was wrinkled, "replied curtly Darmi.
Hearing her daughter's answer, she can not say any more. With sadness, she also went into the fields to work. While Darmi still living in shacks, continued to primp to beautify themselves. After her mother came home from the fields, Darmi asking wages earned money to buy her mother beauty tools.
"Mom! Give me money, "Darmi said.
"Do not, dear! Money to buy the necessities of life today, "said the mother.
"But, Mom! my powder gone. I had to buy a new one, "said Darmi.
"You did not know yourself! Just spend money, but do not want to work, "said her mother upset.
Despite the anger, she still give money to Darmi. The next day, when her mother came home from work, the Darmi ask again wages earned money to buy her another beauty tool. Such circumstances occur almost every day.
One day, when her mother wanted to go to the market, Darmi request to buy a beauty tool. But, she does not know what she meant beauty tool. Then her mother asked her to go to the market.
"Then, let's accompany me to the market!" Invite her mother.
"I do not want to go to the market with you!" Said Darmi.
"But, I don't know what you mean beauty tool that, Darmi!" Said her mother.
But after pressed, Darmi was willing to accompany her mother to the market.
"I want follow you to go the market, but with the proviso you had walked in behind me," said Darmi.
"So what, Darmi?" She asked curiously.
"I'm embarrassed to those villagers when walking alongside you," said Darmi.
"Why should ashamed, Darmi? Am I not real you mother? "Asked her.
"You should look in the mirror. Look your face was wrinkled and dirty clothes so mother! I'm ashamed to have a mother like that! "Cried her mother Darmi derogatory terms.
Although sad, she had to oblige her. After that, off they went to the market in tandem. Darmi walk in front, while her mother followed from behind with a basket. Although both mother and daughter, they look very different appearance. As if they are not the same family. The daughter looks gorgeous with beautiful clothes, while her mother looked very old with very dirty clothes and full of fillings.
Along the way, Darmi met with her friend who lived in another village.
"Hey, Darmi! Where do you want to? "Asked her friend.
"Go to market" Darmi said quietly.
"So, who's behind it? Is she your mother? "Asked again, pointing her parents brought a basket.
"Certainly not my mother! she is a servant, "said Darmi with sarcasm.
Like a lightning bolt struck the old woman heard her daughter. But she was silent while retaining a sense of sadness. After that, they both proceed to the market. Not long walk, they meet again with someone.
"Hey, Darmi! Where do you want to? "she asked.
"Will go to the market," said Darmi short.
"Who's behind it?" Said another man.
"She was my servant," said Darmi getting annoyed with these questions.
Answer posed Darmi it made her mother more sad. However, the mother is still strong enough to bear a sense of sadness. That happens constantly during the way to the market. Finally, the mother stopped, and sat down by the roadside.
"Mom! Why stop? "Said Darmi surprised.
Darmi asked several times, but the mother still did not answer the question. A moment later, Darmi see her mother while her hands lifted up.
"Hey, Mom, what are you doing?" Said Darmi tone snaps.
Mother still did not answer her question. She kept praying to God to punish the rebellious her girl.
"Oh, God! Please Forgive me. I could no longer face the rebellious attitude of servant's child. Give her punishment!" Prayer of the mother.
Moments later, suddenly the sky became overcast. Darting lightning and deafening thunder sound. Heavy rains also fell. Slowly, Darmi's foot turned to stone. Darmi began to panic.
"Mom ...! Mom ...! What happened to my feet, mom? "Said Darmi shouting.
"Forgive Mom! Darmi will not repeat it again, Mom! "Said Darmi increasingly frantic.
However, what is to be created, rice has become porridge. The punishment can no longer be avoided. Slowly, the whole body Darmi turned to stone. Changes that occur from the legs, body, to the head. She could only cry of sin and cry regretted her actions. Prior to her head turned to stone, the mother still saw water dripping from her eyes.
All who pass by that place also witnessed the event. Not long ago, the weather was again bright as usual. Whole Darmi's body has been transformed into stone. The stone was then they put it at the curb leaning cliff. By the local community, the rock they named the Weeping Stone.
Alkisah, di sebuah desa terpencil di daerah Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia, hiduplah seorang janda tua dengan seorang putrinya yang cantik jelita bernama Darmi. Mereka tinggal di sebuah gubuk yang terletak di ujung desa.
Since Darmi's father died, their life becomes difficult. Darmi's father do not leave any inheritance. To make ends meet, Darmi's mother working in the fields of others as wage laborers.
While her daughter, Darmi, a spoiled girl. Whatever she requested should be granted. Besides spoiled, she is also a lazy girl. It works just preening and admiring her beauty in front of the mirror. Every afternoon she was always up and down the village without a destination, but just to show her beauty. She did not want to help her mother earn a living. Every time her mother asked her to go into the fields, she always refused.
"Darmi! Come help me work in the fields, "said her mother.
"No, Mom! I do not want to go into the fields. Later the nails and my skin is stained with mud, "said Darmi refused.
"Do not you feel sorry, Darmi," asked her mother pleaded.
"No! Old mother has worked in the fields, because it is no longer possible there are men who are interested with your face was wrinkled, "replied curtly Darmi.
Hearing her daughter's answer, she can not say any more. With sadness, she also went into the fields to work. While Darmi still living in shacks, continued to primp to beautify themselves. After her mother came home from the fields, Darmi asking wages earned money to buy her mother beauty tools.
"Mom! Give me money, "Darmi said.
"Do not, dear! Money to buy the necessities of life today, "said the mother.
"But, Mom! my powder gone. I had to buy a new one, "said Darmi.
"You did not know yourself! Just spend money, but do not want to work, "said her mother upset.
Despite the anger, she still give money to Darmi. The next day, when her mother came home from work, the Darmi ask again wages earned money to buy her another beauty tool. Such circumstances occur almost every day.
One day, when her mother wanted to go to the market, Darmi request to buy a beauty tool. But, she does not know what she meant beauty tool. Then her mother asked her to go to the market.
"Then, let's accompany me to the market!" Invite her mother.
"I do not want to go to the market with you!" Said Darmi.
"But, I don't know what you mean beauty tool that, Darmi!" Said her mother.
But after pressed, Darmi was willing to accompany her mother to the market.
"I want follow you to go the market, but with the proviso you had walked in behind me," said Darmi.
"So what, Darmi?" She asked curiously.
"I'm embarrassed to those villagers when walking alongside you," said Darmi.
"Why should ashamed, Darmi? Am I not real you mother? "Asked her.
"You should look in the mirror. Look your face was wrinkled and dirty clothes so mother! I'm ashamed to have a mother like that! "Cried her mother Darmi derogatory terms.
Although sad, she had to oblige her. After that, off they went to the market in tandem. Darmi walk in front, while her mother followed from behind with a basket. Although both mother and daughter, they look very different appearance. As if they are not the same family. The daughter looks gorgeous with beautiful clothes, while her mother looked very old with very dirty clothes and full of fillings.
Along the way, Darmi met with her friend who lived in another village.
"Hey, Darmi! Where do you want to? "Asked her friend.
"Go to market" Darmi said quietly.
"So, who's behind it? Is she your mother? "Asked again, pointing her parents brought a basket.
"Certainly not my mother! she is a servant, "said Darmi with sarcasm.
Like a lightning bolt struck the old woman heard her daughter. But she was silent while retaining a sense of sadness. After that, they both proceed to the market. Not long walk, they meet again with someone.
"Hey, Darmi! Where do you want to? "she asked.
"Will go to the market," said Darmi short.
"Who's behind it?" Said another man.
"She was my servant," said Darmi getting annoyed with these questions.
Answer posed Darmi it made her mother more sad. However, the mother is still strong enough to bear a sense of sadness. That happens constantly during the way to the market. Finally, the mother stopped, and sat down by the roadside.
"Mom! Why stop? "Said Darmi surprised.
Darmi asked several times, but the mother still did not answer the question. A moment later, Darmi see her mother while her hands lifted up.
"Hey, Mom, what are you doing?" Said Darmi tone snaps.
Mother still did not answer her question. She kept praying to God to punish the rebellious her girl.
"Oh, God! Please Forgive me. I could no longer face the rebellious attitude of servant's child. Give her punishment!" Prayer of the mother.
Moments later, suddenly the sky became overcast. Darting lightning and deafening thunder sound. Heavy rains also fell. Slowly, Darmi's foot turned to stone. Darmi began to panic.
"Mom ...! Mom ...! What happened to my feet, mom? "Said Darmi shouting.
"Forgive Mom! Darmi will not repeat it again, Mom! "Said Darmi increasingly frantic.
However, what is to be created, rice has become porridge. The punishment can no longer be avoided. Slowly, the whole body Darmi turned to stone. Changes that occur from the legs, body, to the head. She could only cry of sin and cry regretted her actions. Prior to her head turned to stone, the mother still saw water dripping from her eyes.
All who pass by that place also witnessed the event. Not long ago, the weather was again bright as usual. Whole Darmi's body has been transformed into stone. The stone was then they put it at the curb leaning cliff. By the local community, the rock they named the Weeping Stone.
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Alkisah, di sebuah desa terpencil di daerah Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia, hiduplah seorang janda tua dengan seorang putrinya yang cantik jelita bernama Darmi. Mereka tinggal di sebuah gubuk yang terletak di ujung desa.
Sejak ayah Darmi meninggal, kehidupan mereka menjadi susah. Ayah Darmi tidak meninggalkan harta warisan sedikit pun. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup mereka, ibu Darmi bekerja di sawah atau ladang orang lain sebagai buruh upahan.
Sementara putrinya, Darmi, seorang gadis yang manja. Apapun yang dimintanya harus dikabulkan. Selain manja, ia juga seorang gadis yang malas. Kerjanya hanya bersolek dan mengagumi kecantikannya di depan cermin. Setiap sore ia selalu hilir-mudik di kampungnya tanpa tujuan yang jelas, kecuali hanya untuk mempertontonkan kecantikannya. Ia sama sekali tidak mau membantu ibunya mencari nafkah. Setiap kali ibunya mengajaknya pergi ke sawah, ia selalu menolak.
”Nak! Ayo bantu Ibu bekerja di sawah,” ajak sang Ibu.
”Tidak, Bu! Aku tidak mau pergi ke sawah. Nanti kuku dan kulitku kotor terkena lumpur,” jawab Darmi menolak.
”Apakah kamu tidak kasihan melihat Ibu, Nak?” tanya sang Ibu mengiba.
”Tidak! Ibu saja yang sudah tua bekerja di sawah, karena tidak mungkin lagi ada laki-laki yang tertarik pada wajah Ibu yang sudah keriput itu,” jawab Darmi dengan ketus.
Mendengar jawaban anaknya itu, sang Ibu tidak dapat berkata-kata lagi. Dengan perasaan sedih, ia pun berangkat ke sawah untuk bekerja. Sementara si Darmi tetap saja tinggal di gubuk, terus bersolek untuk mempercantik dirinya. Setelah ibunya pulang dari sawah, Darmi meminta uang upah yang diperoleh Ibunya untuk dibelikan alat-alat kecantikan.
”Bu! Mana uang upahnya itu!” seru Darmi kepada Ibunya.
”Jangan, Nak! Uang ini untuk membeli kebutuhan hidup kita hari ini,” ujar sang Ibu.
”Tapi, Bu! Bedakku sudah habis. Saya harus beli yang baru,” kata Darmi.
”Kamu memang anak tidak tahu diri! Tahunya menghabiskan uang, tapi tidak mau bekerja,” kata sang Ibu kesal.
Meskipun marah, sang Ibu tetap memberikan uang itu kepada Darmi. Keesokan harinya, ketika ibunya pulang dari bekerja, si Darmi meminta lagi uang upah yang diperoleh ibunya untuk membeli alat kecantikannya yang lain. Keadaan demikian terjadi hampir setiap hari.
Pada suatu hari, ketika ibunya hendak ke pasar, Darmi berpesan agar dibelikan sebuah alat kecantikan. Tapi, ibunya tidak tahu alat kecantikan yang dia maksud. Kemudian ibunya mengajaknya ikut ke pasar.
”Kalau begitu, ayo temani Ibu ke pasar!” ajak Ibunya.
”Aku tidak mau pergi ke pasar bersama Ibu!” jawab Darmi menolak ajakan Ibunya.
”Tapi, Ibu tidak tahu alat kecantikan yang kamu maksud itu, Nak!” seru Ibunya.
Namun setelah didesak, Darmi pun bersedia menemani Ibunya ke pasar.
”Aku mau ikut Ibu ke pasar, tapi dengan syarat Ibu harus berjalan di belakangku,” kata Darmi kepada Ibunya.
”Memang kenapa, Nak!” tanya Ibunya penasaran.
”Aku malu kepada orang-orang kampung jika berjalan berdampingan dengan Ibu,” jawab Darmi.
”Kenapa harus malu, Nak? Bukankah aku ini Ibu kandungmu?” tanya sang Ibu.
”Ibu seharusnya berkaca. Lihat wajah Ibu yang sudah keriput dan pakaian ibu sangat kotor itu! Aku malu punya Ibu berantakan seperti itu!” seru Darmi dengan nada merendahkan Ibunya.
Walaupun sedih, sang Ibu pun menuruti permintaan putrinya. Setelah itu, berangkatlah mereka ke pasar secara beriringan. Si Darmi berjalan di depan, sedangkan Ibunya mengikuti dari belakang dengan membawa keranjang. Meskipun keduanya ibu dan anak, penampilan mereka kelihatan sangat berbeda. Seolah-olah mereka bukan keluarga yang sama. Sang Anak terlihat cantik dengan pakaian yang bagus, sedangkan sang Ibu kelihatan sangat tua dengan pakaian yang sangat kotor dan penuh tambalan.
Di tengah perjalanan, Darmi bertemu dengan temannya yang tinggal di kampung lain.
”Hei, Darmi! Hendak ke mana kamu?” tanya temannya itu.
”Ke pasar!” jawab Darmi dengan pelan.
”Lalu, siapa orang di belakangmu itu? Apakah dia ibumu?” tanya lagi temannya sambil menunjuk orang tua yang membawa keranjang.
”Tentu saja bukan ibuku! Dia adalah pembantuku,” jawab Darmi dengan nada sinis.
Laksana disambar petir orang tua itu mendengar ucapan putrinya. Tapi dia hanya terdiam sambil menahan rasa sedih. Setelah itu, keduanya pun melanjutkan perjalanan menuju ke pasar. Tidak berapa lama berjalan, mereka bertemu lagi dengan seseorang.
”Hei, Darmi! Hendak ke mana kamu?” tanya orang itu.
”Hendak ke pasar,” jawab Darmi singkat.
”Siapa yang di belakangmu itu?” tanya lagi orang itu.
Jawaban yang dilontarkan Darmi itu membuat hati ibunya semakin sedih. Tapi, sang Ibu masih kuat menahan rasa sedihnya. Begitulah yang terjadi terus-menerus selama dalam perjalanan menuju ke pasar. Akhirnya, sang Ibu berhenti, lalu duduk di pinggir jalan.
”Bu! Kenapa berhenti?” tanya Darmi heran.
Beberapa kali Darmi bertanya, namun sang Ibu tetap saja tidak menjawab pertanyaannya. Sesaat kemudian, Darmi melihat mulut ibunya komat-komit sambil menengadahkan kedua tangannya ke atas.
”Hei, Ibu sedang apa?” tanya Darmi dengan nada membentak.
Sang Ibu tetap saja tidak menjawab pertanyaan anaknya. Ia tetap berdoa kepada Tuhan agar menghukum anaknya yang durhaka itu.
”Ya, Tuhan! Ampunilah hambamu yang lemah ini. Hamba sudah tidak sanggup lagi menghadapi sikap anak hamba yang durhaka ini. Berikanlah hukuman yang setimpal kepadanya!” doa sang Ibu.
Beberapa saat kemudian, tiba-tiba langit menjadi mendung. Petir menyambar-nyambar dan suara guntur bergemuruh memekakkan telinga. Hujan deras pun turun. Pelan-pelan, kaki Darmi berubah menjadi batu. Darmi pun mulai panik.
”Ibu…! Ibu… ! Apa yang terjadi dengan kakiku, Bu?” tanya Darmi sambil berteriak.
”Maafkan Darmi! Maafkan Darmi, Bu! Darmi tidak akan mengulanginya lagi, Bu!” seru Darmi semakin panik.
Namun, apa hendak dibuat, nasi sudah menjadi bubur. Hukuman itu tidak dapat lagi dihindari. Perlahan-lahan, seluruh tubuh Darmi berubah menjadi batu. Perubahan itu terjadi dari kaki, badan, hingga ke kepala. Gadis durhaka itu hanya bisa menangis dan menangis menyesali perbuatannya. Sebelum kepala anaknya berubah menjadi batu, sang Ibu masih melihat air menetes dari kedua mata anaknya.
Semua orang yang lewat di tempat itu juga ikut menyaksikan peristiwa itu. Tidak berapa lama, cuaca pun kembali terang seperti sedia kala. Seluruh tubuh Darmi telah menjelma menjadi batu. Batu itu kemudian mereka letakkan di pinggir jalan bersandar ke tebing. Oleh masyarakat setempat, batu itu mereka beri nama Batu Menangis.
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