In a village there lived two young men the same age. They were very close friends. Wherever they go always together. Virtually never quarrel between them. If that one is angry, the other one silent or persuade that anger subsided. Likewise if there is trouble, they always handle jointly. Basically, they do need each other because their body conditions so require. One stocky young man, but a blind eye. The young man that others can see, but his body stooped. Therefore, people call them the Blind and the Humpback.
The blind is very good heart. Not one bit he suspected his friend, the Humpback. He believes fully to his friend, even though the Humpback often deceive themselves. It always repeat every time they attend salvation. The blind always sat side by side with the Humpback.
At a time when eating, the Blind is always complaining."The home owner is griping all!" He whispered to the Humpback not to hear. "There is no shred of fish, vegetables except pumpkin."
The humpback just smiled because his complaint was because of him. Silently he cuts a pretty big chicken on the plate the Blind and exchanged with vegetable pumpkin. As a result, the Blind curry dishes containing only vegetable gourd.
The humpback was happy friendship with the Blind. Every chance, he can exploit his blind eye to their own interests. The blind do not know the cunning of the Humpback also feel happy to make friends with his friend. Every time the Humpback could be his.
One day, the Humpback invite the Blind go deer hunting. Not far from their village was a dense forest. An assortment of wildlife live there like birds, gibbons, reptiles, and deer. That said, at the time there were no hunters use a shotgun to kill the game. Residents who want to get a deer or other animals using snares usually called jipah (pharynx). Sometimes they hunt with dogs and spears. This method will be used the Humpback and the Blind for hunting.
"If we can kill a deer, we divide the two equally," said the Humpback.
Of course the Blind was delighted to hear about it. He immediately led sniffer dogs smell senses sharp, while the Humpback ready with a spear in his right hand. They both follow the direction shown that sniffer dogs.
Apparently it was their lucky day. A sizeable stag managed their spears. Branching antlers beautiful and deserve to be wall hangings.
Hunchback immediately hunted deer divide into two parts. However, with all his cunning, the Blind only got bones. Meat and fat deer taken the Humpback.
"Because venison is divided, we cook our own taste," said the Humpback. The blind went along because he thought they should. And in that way, the Humpback intended for meat that he had not eaten the Blind shred. Although the blind can not see, his ability to cook curry is not the slightest doubt. Published saliva Humpback smell the cooking for the Blind Hunchback is not good at cooking. Finally, the Humpback and the Blind faced reindeer dishes they have cooked and ready to eat.
"Savory!" The Humpback putting large pieces of meat into his mouth.
"Scrumptious!" Said the Blind, taking a large piece of bone from the plate and took a bite. The Blind grumble because the bite, bone turns all.
"Honey," he said, "so big deer, but did not have meat! Tomorrow we hunt anymore, but the deer have plenty of fat and meat."
Hunchback smiled at the words of the Blind. The blind was sorry if the bones of deer that have been painstakingly not eaten. Therefore, he tried freezing it again. However, it is very hard bones that remain bitten.
It makes the Blind more curious. He summoned all his energy and bite bones as strong as possible to his eyeballs about to get out of the eye holes.
God has ordained apparently. Miracle ensued. Blind eyes are not blind anymore.
"I can see!" Shouted for joy. The blind looked around. When he saw the bones of deer at the plate and on the plate Humpback tender meat, not playing angry.
"Now, it opens ugly mask over this!" He said.
The Blind picked the biggest deer bones, and the Humpback hit with a bone. Cry of the Humpback ask forgiveness disregard altogether. The entire body of the Humpback battered. As the Blind, weirdness ensued on the Humpback. When he got up, turns his back to be straight as a healthy person. "I'm no slouch anymore! I'm no slouch anymore! "Cried the Humpback. They both danced his neck and Greetings. Their friendship became more familiar.
suatu kampung tinggallah dua orang pemuda sebaya. Mereka bersahabat
akrab sekali. Kemana pun mereka pergi selalu bersama. Boleh dikata tidak
pernah terjadi pertengkaran di antara mereka. Jika yang seorang sedang
marah, yang seorang lagi berdiam diri atau membujuk sehingga
kemarahannya reda. Begitu juga jika ada kesulitan, selalu mereka atasi
bersama. Pada dasarnya, mereka memang saling membutuhkan karena keadaan
tubuh mereka mengharuskan demikian. Pemuda yang satu bertubuh kekar,
tetapi buta matanya. Pemuda yang lain dapat melihat, tetapi bungkuk
tubuhnya. Oleh karena itu, orang menyebut mereka si Buta dan si Bungkuk.
The blind is very good heart. Not one bit he suspected his friend, the Humpback. He believes fully to his friend, even though the Humpback often deceive themselves. It always repeat every time they attend salvation. The blind always sat side by side with the Humpback.
At a time when eating, the Blind is always complaining."The home owner is griping all!" He whispered to the Humpback not to hear. "There is no shred of fish, vegetables except pumpkin."
The humpback just smiled because his complaint was because of him. Silently he cuts a pretty big chicken on the plate the Blind and exchanged with vegetable pumpkin. As a result, the Blind curry dishes containing only vegetable gourd.
The humpback was happy friendship with the Blind. Every chance, he can exploit his blind eye to their own interests. The blind do not know the cunning of the Humpback also feel happy to make friends with his friend. Every time the Humpback could be his.
One day, the Humpback invite the Blind go deer hunting. Not far from their village was a dense forest. An assortment of wildlife live there like birds, gibbons, reptiles, and deer. That said, at the time there were no hunters use a shotgun to kill the game. Residents who want to get a deer or other animals using snares usually called jipah (pharynx). Sometimes they hunt with dogs and spears. This method will be used the Humpback and the Blind for hunting.
"If we can kill a deer, we divide the two equally," said the Humpback.
Of course the Blind was delighted to hear about it. He immediately led sniffer dogs smell senses sharp, while the Humpback ready with a spear in his right hand. They both follow the direction shown that sniffer dogs.
Apparently it was their lucky day. A sizeable stag managed their spears. Branching antlers beautiful and deserve to be wall hangings.
Hunchback immediately hunted deer divide into two parts. However, with all his cunning, the Blind only got bones. Meat and fat deer taken the Humpback.
"Because venison is divided, we cook our own taste," said the Humpback. The blind went along because he thought they should. And in that way, the Humpback intended for meat that he had not eaten the Blind shred. Although the blind can not see, his ability to cook curry is not the slightest doubt. Published saliva Humpback smell the cooking for the Blind Hunchback is not good at cooking. Finally, the Humpback and the Blind faced reindeer dishes they have cooked and ready to eat.
"Savory!" The Humpback putting large pieces of meat into his mouth.
"Scrumptious!" Said the Blind, taking a large piece of bone from the plate and took a bite. The Blind grumble because the bite, bone turns all.
"Honey," he said, "so big deer, but did not have meat! Tomorrow we hunt anymore, but the deer have plenty of fat and meat."
Hunchback smiled at the words of the Blind. The blind was sorry if the bones of deer that have been painstakingly not eaten. Therefore, he tried freezing it again. However, it is very hard bones that remain bitten.
It makes the Blind more curious. He summoned all his energy and bite bones as strong as possible to his eyeballs about to get out of the eye holes.
God has ordained apparently. Miracle ensued. Blind eyes are not blind anymore.
"I can see!" Shouted for joy. The blind looked around. When he saw the bones of deer at the plate and on the plate Humpback tender meat, not playing angry.
"Now, it opens ugly mask over this!" He said.
The Blind picked the biggest deer bones, and the Humpback hit with a bone. Cry of the Humpback ask forgiveness disregard altogether. The entire body of the Humpback battered. As the Blind, weirdness ensued on the Humpback. When he got up, turns his back to be straight as a healthy person. "I'm no slouch anymore! I'm no slouch anymore! "Cried the Humpback. They both danced his neck and Greetings. Their friendship became more familiar.

Buta sangat baik hatinya. Tidak sedikit pun ia curiga kepada temannya,
si Bungkuk. Ia percaya penuh kepada temannya itu, walaupun si Bungkuk
sering menipu dirinya. Kejadian itu selalu berulang setiap mereka
menghadiri selamatan. Si Buta selalu duduk berdampingan dengan si
Pada suatu kali saat makan, si Buta selalu mengeluh.
Pada suatu kali saat makan, si Buta selalu mengeluh.
rumah ini kikir sekali!” bisiknya kepada si Bungkuk agar jangan
didengar orang lain. “Tak ada secuil pun ikan, kecuali sayur labu.”
Si Bungkuk hanya tersenyum karena keluhan temannya itu akibat ulahnya. Secara diam-diam ia memotong daging ayam yang cukup besar di piring si Buta dan ditukar dengan sayur labu. Akibatnya, piring gulai si Buta hanya berisi sayur labu.
Si Bungkuk merasa bahagia bersahabat dengan si Buta. Setiap ada kesempatan, ia dapat memanfaatkan kebutaan mata temannya untuk kepentingan sendiri. Si Buta yang tidak mengetahui kelicikan si Bungkuk juga merasa senang bersahabat dengan temannya itu. Setiap saat si Bungkuk dapat menjadi matanya.
Si Bungkuk hanya tersenyum karena keluhan temannya itu akibat ulahnya. Secara diam-diam ia memotong daging ayam yang cukup besar di piring si Buta dan ditukar dengan sayur labu. Akibatnya, piring gulai si Buta hanya berisi sayur labu.
Si Bungkuk merasa bahagia bersahabat dengan si Buta. Setiap ada kesempatan, ia dapat memanfaatkan kebutaan mata temannya untuk kepentingan sendiri. Si Buta yang tidak mengetahui kelicikan si Bungkuk juga merasa senang bersahabat dengan temannya itu. Setiap saat si Bungkuk dapat menjadi matanya.
suatu hari, si Bungkuk mengajak si Buta pergi berburu rusa. Tidak jauh
dari kampung mereka ada hutan lebat. Bermacam-macam margasatwa hidup
di sana seperti burung, siamang, binatang melata, dan rusa. Konon,
pada waktu itu belum ada pemburu menggunakan senapan untuk membunuh
hewan buruan. Penduduk yang ingin mendapatkan rusa atau binatang lain
biasanya menggunakan jerat yang disebut jipah (faring). Kadang mereka
berburu menggunakan anjing pelacak dan tombak. Cara ini akan dipakai si
Bungkuk dan si Buta untuk berburu.
“Kalau kita dapat membunuh seekor rusa, hasilnya kita bagi dua sama rata,” ujar si Bungkuk.
Tentu saja si Buta sangat gembira mendengar hal itu. Ia segera menuntun anjing pelacak yang tajam Indra penciumannya, sedangkan si Bungkuk siap dengan tombak di tangan kanannya. Mereka berdua mengikuti arah yang ditunjukkan anjing pelacak itu.
“Kalau kita dapat membunuh seekor rusa, hasilnya kita bagi dua sama rata,” ujar si Bungkuk.
Tentu saja si Buta sangat gembira mendengar hal itu. Ia segera menuntun anjing pelacak yang tajam Indra penciumannya, sedangkan si Bungkuk siap dengan tombak di tangan kanannya. Mereka berdua mengikuti arah yang ditunjukkan anjing pelacak itu.
hari itu mereka bernasib baik. Seekor rusa jantan yang cukup besar
berhasil mereka tombak. Tanduknya bercabang-cabang indah dan layak
dijadikan hiasan dinding.
Si Bungkuk segera membagi rusa hasil buruan itu menjadi dua bagian. Akan tetapi, dengan segala kelicikannya, si Buta hanya mendapat tulang-tulang. Daging dan lemak rusa diambil si Bungkuk.
“Karena daging rusa sudah dibagi, kita masak sendiri sesuai selera kita,” kata si Bungkuk. Si Buta menurut saja karena pikirnya memang demikian seharusnya. Padahal dengan cara itu, si Bungkuk bermaksud agar daging yang dimilikinya jangan secuil pun dimakan si Buta. Walaupun si Buta tidak dapat melihat, kemampuannya memasak gulai tidak diragukan sedikit pun. Terbit air liur si Bungkuk mencium bau masakan si Buta karena Si Bungkuk memang tidak pandai memasak. Akhirnya, si Bungkuk dan si Buta menghadapi masakan rusa yang telah mereka masak dan siap menyantapnya.
“Sedaap!” kata si Bungkuk sambil memasukkan potongan daging yang besar ke dalam mulutnya.
“Nikmat!” kata si Buta sambil mengambil sepotong tulang yang besar dari piring dan menggigitnya. Si Buta bersungut-sungut karena yang digigit, ternyata tulang semua.
“Sayang,” katanya, “rusa begitu besar, tetapi tak punya daging! Besok kita berburu lagi, tetapi rusa itu harus gemuk dan banyak dagingnya.”
Si Bungkuk tersenyum mendengar perkataan si Buta. Si Buta merasa sayang jika tulang-tulang rusa yang telah dimasaknya dengan susah payah tidak dimakan. Oleh karena itu, ia mencoba menggigit tulang itu lagi. Akan tetapi, tulang itu sangat keras sehingga tetap tidak tergigit.
Si Bungkuk segera membagi rusa hasil buruan itu menjadi dua bagian. Akan tetapi, dengan segala kelicikannya, si Buta hanya mendapat tulang-tulang. Daging dan lemak rusa diambil si Bungkuk.
“Karena daging rusa sudah dibagi, kita masak sendiri sesuai selera kita,” kata si Bungkuk. Si Buta menurut saja karena pikirnya memang demikian seharusnya. Padahal dengan cara itu, si Bungkuk bermaksud agar daging yang dimilikinya jangan secuil pun dimakan si Buta. Walaupun si Buta tidak dapat melihat, kemampuannya memasak gulai tidak diragukan sedikit pun. Terbit air liur si Bungkuk mencium bau masakan si Buta karena Si Bungkuk memang tidak pandai memasak. Akhirnya, si Bungkuk dan si Buta menghadapi masakan rusa yang telah mereka masak dan siap menyantapnya.
“Sedaap!” kata si Bungkuk sambil memasukkan potongan daging yang besar ke dalam mulutnya.
“Nikmat!” kata si Buta sambil mengambil sepotong tulang yang besar dari piring dan menggigitnya. Si Buta bersungut-sungut karena yang digigit, ternyata tulang semua.
“Sayang,” katanya, “rusa begitu besar, tetapi tak punya daging! Besok kita berburu lagi, tetapi rusa itu harus gemuk dan banyak dagingnya.”
Si Bungkuk tersenyum mendengar perkataan si Buta. Si Buta merasa sayang jika tulang-tulang rusa yang telah dimasaknya dengan susah payah tidak dimakan. Oleh karena itu, ia mencoba menggigit tulang itu lagi. Akan tetapi, tulang itu sangat keras sehingga tetap tidak tergigit.
itu membuat si Buta semakin penasaran. la mengerahkan segenap tenaga
dan menggigit tulang itu sekuat-kuatnya hingga bola matanya hendak
keluar dari lubang mata.
Tuhan sudah menakdirkan rupanya. Keajaiban pun terjadi. Mata si Buta tidak buta lagi.
“Aku bisa melihat!” teriaknya kegirangan. Si Buta menatap sekelilingnya. Ketika ia melihat tulang-tulang rusa di piringnya dan di piring si Bungkuk daging yang empuk, bukan main marahnya.
“Sekarang, terbukalah topeng kebusukanmu selama ini!” katanya.
Tuhan sudah menakdirkan rupanya. Keajaiban pun terjadi. Mata si Buta tidak buta lagi.
“Aku bisa melihat!” teriaknya kegirangan. Si Buta menatap sekelilingnya. Ketika ia melihat tulang-tulang rusa di piringnya dan di piring si Bungkuk daging yang empuk, bukan main marahnya.
“Sekarang, terbukalah topeng kebusukanmu selama ini!” katanya.
Buta memungut tulang rusa paling besar, lalu si Bungkuk dipukul dengan
tulang itu. Jeritan si Bungkuk meminta ampun tidak dihiraukannya sama
sekali. Seluruh tubuh si Bungkuk babak belur. Seperti si Buta, keanehan
pun terjadi pada si Bungkuk. Ketika la bangkit, ternyata punggungnya
menjadi lurus seperti orang sehat. “Aku tidak bungkuk lagi! Aku tidak
bungkuk lagi!” teriak si Bungkuk. Mereka berdua menari sambil
berpeluk-pelukan dan bermaaf-maafan. Persahabatan mereka pun semakin
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