Datuk Darah Putih is a well-known commander disebuah State Jambi kingdom. He called Datuk Darah Putih because when wounded, the blood that comes out white. He was obedient to the commandment of the king and always finish the entire job well. The king was very respectful to him.
Datuk Darah Putih lead core forces kingdom consisting of those options. The soldiers were very respectful of the leadership.
One time there were reports that Dutch troops will come to the Land of Jambi by sea. Datuk Putih Datuk and The Kins was conferred. They will not let foreign nations that control of natural resources and agricultural products. Datuk Darah Putih drive the strategy of foreign make it through the Strait of idols.
He prepares all the troops and equipment as well as a formidable war purposes. At that time, Datuk Darah Putih wife was pregnant. But his wife remain strong. He and the people who drove the departure of Datuk Darah Putih and soldiers, and pray for their safety.
Arriving on the island of idols, Datuk Darah Putih made fortifications. While waiting for the enemy to come, he also trains the soldiers mentally.
Finally, came the Dutch flotilla. Datuk Darah Putih immediately gestured to his men to attack. Datuk Darah Putih troops jumping ship to the Netherlands squad while playing their swords and dagger towards the Dutch troops. Dutch troops defeated.
A few days later, came the Dutch ships with more soldiers. They are equipped with cannon and other armaments. However, Datuk Darah Putih forces are not afraid. The battle lasted no draw and takes many days.
Datuk Darah Putih hit sword slash. Blood poured from his neck. In circumstances such severe injuries, Datuk Darah Putih remains robust. He reminded his friends to continue to fight until the death.
Soldiers carry Datuk Darah Putih into the castle. Datuk Darah Putih blood still flowing from his neck. He asked one of his men seek sangkahan thin stone and asked to close his bleed. Blood was dripping stops.
When the wound was closed, Datuk Darah Putih immediately stood up and continue fighting. All of his men was unyielding. Moreover, after seeing their leader resign despite abstinence remained severely injured.
Datuk Darah Putih forces eventually wins the battle. Dutch soldiers lost. All return to the kingdom. Datuk Darah Putih progenitor was carried as seriously injured.
Arriving home, Datuk Darah Putih greeted his wife and the baby was already born. Datuk Darah Putih progenitor was an infant with a feeling of happiness. Then, he put the baby back into the crib. Datuk Darah Putih sitting on the floor of his house, then he lay down. That's when he breathed his last. However, he seemed happy to have been able to defend the people and see the baby.
Datuk Darah Putih adalah seorang hulubalang terkenal disebuah kerajaan Negeri Jambi. Ia disebut Datuk Darah Putih karena ketika terluka, darah yang keluar adalah darah putih. Ia pun patuh pada titah Raja dan selalu bisa menyelesaikan seluruh tugasnya dengan baik. Raja sangat hormat kepadanya.
Datuk Darah Putih lead core forces kingdom consisting of those options. The soldiers were very respectful of the leadership.
One time there were reports that Dutch troops will come to the Land of Jambi by sea. Datuk Putih Datuk and The Kins was conferred. They will not let foreign nations that control of natural resources and agricultural products. Datuk Darah Putih drive the strategy of foreign make it through the Strait of idols.
He prepares all the troops and equipment as well as a formidable war purposes. At that time, Datuk Darah Putih wife was pregnant. But his wife remain strong. He and the people who drove the departure of Datuk Darah Putih and soldiers, and pray for their safety.
Arriving on the island of idols, Datuk Darah Putih made fortifications. While waiting for the enemy to come, he also trains the soldiers mentally.
Finally, came the Dutch flotilla. Datuk Darah Putih immediately gestured to his men to attack. Datuk Darah Putih troops jumping ship to the Netherlands squad while playing their swords and dagger towards the Dutch troops. Dutch troops defeated.
A few days later, came the Dutch ships with more soldiers. They are equipped with cannon and other armaments. However, Datuk Darah Putih forces are not afraid. The battle lasted no draw and takes many days.
Datuk Darah Putih hit sword slash. Blood poured from his neck. In circumstances such severe injuries, Datuk Darah Putih remains robust. He reminded his friends to continue to fight until the death.
Soldiers carry Datuk Darah Putih into the castle. Datuk Darah Putih blood still flowing from his neck. He asked one of his men seek sangkahan thin stone and asked to close his bleed. Blood was dripping stops.
When the wound was closed, Datuk Darah Putih immediately stood up and continue fighting. All of his men was unyielding. Moreover, after seeing their leader resign despite abstinence remained severely injured.
Datuk Darah Putih forces eventually wins the battle. Dutch soldiers lost. All return to the kingdom. Datuk Darah Putih progenitor was carried as seriously injured.
Arriving home, Datuk Darah Putih greeted his wife and the baby was already born. Datuk Darah Putih progenitor was an infant with a feeling of happiness. Then, he put the baby back into the crib. Datuk Darah Putih sitting on the floor of his house, then he lay down. That's when he breathed his last. However, he seemed happy to have been able to defend the people and see the baby.
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Datuk Darah Putih adalah seorang hulubalang terkenal disebuah kerajaan Negeri Jambi. Ia disebut Datuk Darah Putih karena ketika terluka, darah yang keluar adalah darah putih. Ia pun patuh pada titah Raja dan selalu bisa menyelesaikan seluruh tugasnya dengan baik. Raja sangat hormat kepadanya.
Datuk Darah Putih memimpin pasukan
inti kerajaan yang terdiri atas orang-orang pilihan. Para prajurit itu
sangat menghormati pimpinannya ini.
Suatu ketika ada laporan bahwa tentara
Belanda akan datang ke Negeri Jambi melalui jalur laut. Raja dan Datuk
Darah Putih pun berunding. Mereka tidak akan membiarkan bangsa asing itu
menguasai kekayaan alam dan hasil bumi. Datuk Darah Putih membuat
strategi mengusir bangsa asing itu melalui Selat Berhala.
Ia mempersiapkan pasukan dan segala
perlengkapan serta keperluan perang yang tangguh. Saat itu, istri Datuk
Darah Putih sedang hamil tua. Namun sang istri tetap tegar. Ia dan
rakyat yang mengantar kepergian sang Datuk Darah Putih dan prajurit,
serta berdoa untuk keselamatan mereka.
Sesampainya di Pulau Berhala, Datuk
Darah Putih membuat benteng-benteng pertahanan. Selama menunggu musuh
datang, ia juga melatih mental para prajurit itu.
Akhirnya, datanglah iring-iringan
kapal Belanda. Datuk Darah Putih segera memberi aba-aba pada pasukannya
untuk menyerang. Pasukan Datuk Darah Putih berloncatan ke kapal pasukan
Belanda sambil memainkan pedang dan keris mereka ke arah pasukan
Belanda. Pasukan Belanda kalah.
hari kemudian, datanglah kapal-kapal Belanda dengan serdadu yang lebih
banyak. Mereka dilengkapi meriam dan alat-alat perang lainnya. Namun,
pasukan Datuk Darah Putih tidak takut. Pertempuran berlangsung tidak
imbang dan memakan waktu berhari-hari.
Datuk Darah Putih terkena tebasan
pedang. Darah mengalir dari lehernya. Dalam keadaan luka parah tersebut,
Datuk Darah Putih tetap tegap. Ia mengingatkan kepada teman-temannya
untuk terus bertempur hingga titik darah penghabisan.
Prajurit membawa Datuk Darah Putih
kedalam benteng. Darah Datuk Darah Putih masih mengalir dari lehernya.
Ia meminta salah satu pasukannya mencari batu sangkahan yang tipis dan
meminta menutup dilukanya. Darah pun berhenti menetes.
Ketika lukanya sudah tertutup, Datuk
Darah Putih segera berdiri dan melanjutkan pertempuran. Semua anak
buahnya pun pantang menyerah. Apalagi, setelah melihat pimpinan mereka
yang tetap pantang meyerah meskipun telah terluka parah.
Akhirnya pasukan Datuk Darah Putih
kembali memenangi pertempuran. Serdadu Belanda kalah. Semua pulang ke
kerajaan. Datuk Darah Putih dipapah karena terluka parah.
Sesampainya dirumah, Datuk Darah Putih
disambut istri dan bayinya yang ternyata telah lahir. Datuk Darah Putih
pun mendekap bayinya dengan perasaan bahagia. Lalu, ia meletakkan
bayinya kembali kedalam buaian. Datuk Darah Putih duduk dilantai
rumahnya, lalu ia berbaring. Saat itulah ia menghembuskan nafas yang
terakhir. Namun, ia tampak bahagia karena telah bisa membela rakyat dan
melihat bayinya.
:: Kita Harus Berani Membela Kebenaran dan Kebajikan ::
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